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Adam Lambert TOH Tour in Nagoya, Japan 2016-1-13 Part 1

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Lam-My said...

Yes! Ghost Town in Nagoya...finally I saw all the pieces shifting and flying; I was actually glued to the various pieces; meticulously layered one over another on Adam's tall beautiful physique. This is more fascinating than an actual fashion show. lol! Now I think there may be 5 connected components, let'see...the shoulder, the black vest with borders, the attached piece to give a fork-shaped double-border, the tail piece hanging from the trousers and the striped trousers itself, wah! lwl!
The other, shimmering psychedelic jacket worn over the army-motif pants and flanking belts, is also very artistic, avant-garde; gels with this latest fierce Original High version, The Light, Shady, Fever and Let's Dance in honour of late David Bowie.