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From Brisbane Times: What would Freddie do? Adam Lambert on fronting Queen and holding back

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, January 19, 2016

(Adam Lambert performing with Brian May and Queen on their Australian tour in 2014)

When I'm asked if I remember where I was when news broke of Bowie's death, I'll say I was sitting at my desk, looking out at a stormy, violet sunset dissected by a rainbow, as Adam Lambert broke the news down the phone from Osaka. I'd just asked Lambert if a lead singer could ever really be "too theatrical". That was in reference to the concerns of the American Idol judges – Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi​ – who were worried, back at his 2009 audition, that his musical theatre background rendered him too over the top. "My favourite pop stars have always been theatrical," Lambert says. "Michael Jackson, Madonna, Freddie Mercury and, bless him, David Bowie who just passed…" Sorry, what? 

"It's unbelievable," he says. "All my friends are texting. It just happened." Literally the minute we finish our call, Lambert will jump on Twitter and write: "I love how Bowie challenged people's perception of gender stereotypes and what an outsider truly was. He was SO ahead of his time." For Lambert, it's personal. He has been marketed as a second-generation glam rocker, even titling his 2010 tour Glam Nation. There are also just a few degrees of separation: Lambert fronted Queen on their 2014 world tour; Bowie recorded Under Pressure with friend Freddie Mercury.

Link to article Brisbane Times


Lam-My said...

Frankly, Adam is the living legacy of all the mentioned Superstars. Somehow I never really got attached to them though they belonged to my era, 70s but did like their songs. Then why am I so attracted to Adam? I think it's the timing...I was all bogged down by work and family commitments. Even if there was internet then, I might not have the time to write, let alone the poems and stories, which Adam induced/seduced out of my brain. lwl! It's definitely the operatic-pop-rock singing which Simon labelled theatrical, and that whale of a voice to send it out, so far, high and powerful. lwl!
So like an old poem of mine suggests: Freddie passed on his torch to Adam already...

Lam-My said...

Freddie Mercury passed on his torch already
To Adam to continue the musical dynasty
Of Super Rockstars
Burning so brilliantly
His torch symbolises a living legacy
While stamping his own mark in history

broddybounce said...

Nice, thorough, well-written piece on Adam!

Two points in there that were news to me:

"Certainly Queen didn't want to hold back Lambert: they've postponed plans to make an album while they watch from the sidelines as he unfurls his solo career."

Oh! Well, we've always heard rumors of a possible album, but didn't realize an album had actually been discussed!

"Last year he bought his first home in Hollywood, and he's casting about for a place – perhaps New York or London – to buy another."

Also something I don't recall hearing about before. Good on Adam! New York or London -- hard choice! I do remember his saying a few times before how comfortable he feels in London.

Shelagh said...

ooh hope he buys in London !! can't wait to see him there in April,and Lam-My as usual what beautiful words you write xx

JAK said...

I'd go for London, it's a never ending adventure. I've been there several times and always wail as I'm leaving " noooooo, not yet, I didn't get to see everything I wanted!"
An apartment in London would be so great, lots of pubs and clubs and it's easy to hop on a train and 'do' the countryside if you are needing a little tranquility.

Anonymous said...

I read those two comments somewhere in the last few days to, they were also new to me.So happy for him.

Lam-My said...

What a pleasant morning to wake up many people here and Thank You! once again Shelagh!

Wah, Adam sure is living the life...actually, a few years ago, on an interview, the person unexpectedly asked if Adam would settle down in London and quickly offered some advice as to which area to buy a house. He didn't buy his Hollywood house yet, then. London is a good choice, close to Dr Brian and Roger; they always look after him partners, maybe, a lot to glean from these two maestros.