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Pop Crush: Vote Now! Adam Lambert’s Glamberts vs. 5SOS’ 5SOSFAM – Best Fanbase [Round 1]

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, March 01, 2016

This spring, as the NCAA’s finest basketball stars square off to determine a collegiate champion, PopCrush is determined to conclude which pop act — or, more specifically, which pop act’s fanbase — is 2016’s best. Forget sports fans’ face-painting or sign-making, disciples of music are the truly rabid bunch: Glamberts and 5SOSFAM are just two clear examples. 

Adam Lambert, who just kicked off his Original High tour, made his mark among the post-Idol crowd in 2015 by earning more than any of the show’s other alums. His most recent album signaled a more scrubbed-down era that did away with his previously showy style, and fans been on board. And while Lambert’s relieved that Idol‘s finally ending this spring, Glamberts are glad their guy is still kicking — will they ensure he’ll move on in March Music Madness?  

What do you think — will Glamberts come through and send Adam to the next round? Is the 5SOSFAM set to claim victory? Place your votes until March 9 at 11:59 PM EST, and check back after to see which fanbase moves on.


Place your votes until March 9 at 11:59 PM EST, and check back after to see which fanbase moves on.

Read More: Adam Lambert's Glamberts vs. 5SOS' 5SOSFAM – Best Fanbase [Round 1] |


Nanbert said...

Latest score- Adam - 76.92 (lost ground from above)
5SOS - 23.00
This is another of those interminable bracket polls, which involve several contests over weeks!
They should be outlawed!!! But I STILL vote, because it's for Adam. Oh my!

Nanbert said...
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choons said...

Guys it's neck and neck at the moment!!! (10:02 pm) VOTE once every hour.

blu said...

You can vote once every hour . . .still neck to neck

Dee R Gee said...

Looks like the SSOS fans have come alive. The total is about even now. We really have to work to get Adam surging ahead!