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Adam Lambert Meet & Greet With Fans!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, April 24, 2016

Posted at : Sunday, April 24, 2016

Best day of my life?! #adamlambert #glambert #tohtsthlm

A photo posted by Sara Claar (@drawnbyme124) on


Lam-My said...

Norway, Adam's ancestral roots; his grandfather was a Norwegian physics lecturer; which by the way would have made him a Mathematician. So Adam says he's not that keen on Mathematics...his initial interest might have been crushed as interest in any subject starts at childhood. Well, all is not lost, Adam probably has to configure a lot more live Maths and not just as a subject; like balancing the budget, profit and loss, counting money. lol! The basic features of Adam and the fans pictured, show close resemblance, like Adam's real hair colour is ginger, their sharpish chin, great serenity smile, almond-shaped eyes, well-contoured nose.