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INTERVIEW! Radio Aalto Adams advice to TVOF contestants 2016-04-22

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, April 22, 2016

Posted at : Friday, April 22, 2016

Radio Aalto Adams advice to TVOF contestants 2016-04-22 from Miachihu on Vimeo.

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Yea, Adam is absolutely right about what happens after that ? Not only AI, other Winners of talent contests which give them a huge platform, seem to fizzle out almost as quickly as they have gained some fame. So I think, it still boils down to talent, charisma, originality and self belief in one's art. Most important, financing as in all business, because at the end of the day, companies who sign up singers/artists need to make profits, otherwise they too will not make it; a ready market to support this business is just as crucial.

Anne Marie said...

In another interview at the same place with a lady, she asked about Sauli. Adam answered with the same smiles and tender speech he used to have 4 years ago. He said that Sauli had been visiting him, and they were great friends. It was so sweet to hear that tone of voice talking about Sauli again, he seems extremely happy. He said it was really nice seeing him again. As we know he has been having pictures taken with Sauli's mom and sisters. He used to not say anything about Sauli, or just say very shortly that they were still friends. It was great seeing him all smiles talking about Sauli.
Lam-My it's time for another poem.

Lam-My said...

Yes! Anne Marie...Your insights are invaluable; I sensed something, because Sauli's Mom is giving the nod ! oooh-la-la! Adam's Mom, Leila likes Sauli a lot, we already know that. Two great Moms ! Yep let's see, time for a new positive poem rather than my usual sitting on the fence.

Adam photographs with Sauli Mom
Both warm and full of charm
Well well well...that's a whole different ball game
A banana kick into the goal-post
A raw roar...Sauli Mom says
Hey Sauli, what are you waiting for
A handsome millionaire is knocking on your door
He can dance, he can sing, he's so kind
What else do you want more?
Sauli, being a very filial son
Suddenly wakes from his doldrums
Jumps at the advice and makes
A 50-metre Olympic dash to the Finnish line
His eye on the prize...not going to slip this time
A tap on his lover's shoulder...a wink of the eye...he scores!
More Sauli more! lwl!

Anne Marie said...

Lam-My I like your poem, Sauli's family might think that Adam is a good catch, because he is rich, but I think Sauli thinks differently. He doesn't like all the publicity attached to their relationship. I think he is Adams best friend, because they love doing silly things, they both have a loving heart, and both are kind people, besides extremely good looking. I really don't think he cares if Adam is rich or poor. Adam could not talk to Sauli's mom, because she doesn't speak any English, although Sauli could interpret for her. Well it's like everything else that Adam does, he keeps us in suspense, especially about his work and career.

Lam-My said...

You're right Anne Marie...It isn't about rich or poor, it's said with tongue in cheek; and that's why I followed it up with: 'He can dance, he can sing, he's kind' It remains a fact though he is a handsome millionaire oooh-la-la! lol! Hey, 'Don't cry for me Sauli...I never really left you...' seems to be hatching no more frozen embryo. Thanks Anne Marie.

Anne Marie said...

Always love your stories and poems, Lam-My.

Lam-My said...

Actually, when I get wind of something auspicious or suspicious about Adam and Sauli, my brain perks up and then the poems and stories come down like an avalanche. lol! Thanks again Anne Marie, you're a great ninja! lwl!