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Adam Lambert Retweeted: People Magazine: Coach @xtina and her finalist @alisanporter are in the house!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, May 24, 2016

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEW


Unknown said...

Here is a video of it got better with Adam Lambert. I havn't seen it on this site so I thought I'd mention it.

Is there like an official news submission button or something on here?

Anonymous8 said...

This is a great video series, and per usual Adam brings such charm,insight and poignancy when " his Mom outed him".

Dee R Gee said...

I just saw this interview on Atop. It's such a good one. His whole experience of growing up, knowing he was gay, feeling so uncomfortable in his middle school years, then being able to find his niche in high school is so heartfelt and empowering. I just love him so much. He has a natural honesty and open-ness, an easy charm. And he continues to be an advocate for enlightenment and understanding when it comes to LGBT issues. He walks the walk.