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UPDATED INFO: QUEEN + Adam Lambert "Isle Of Wight Festival" Concert 6-12-16 World Clock, Streams

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, June 12, 2016

Posted at : Sunday, June 12, 2016

UPATED INFO: Queen + Adam Lambert "Isle Of Wight Festival" Concert on Sunday 6-12-16 (World Clock, Streams: AUDIO & VIDEO)

There will most likely be at least one video stream as well.. check back for more updates. 

This post has been moved up from yesterday for ease of access..

Photo: Adam Lambert of Queen + Adam Lambert at Sweden Rock Festival by @AdamLambertSwe 

Newport, Isle of Wight, England (UK) 9 PM
Pacific Daylight Time 1 PM
Eastern Daylight Time 4 PM
*See world clock below for other time zones worldwide*

STREAMS (SO FAR...we'll update when others are added)

Just added: Periscope (live VIDEO) by Derek Moran (click on links or on the picture within the tweet to access)

Note that the @QUEENFCARG mixlr AUDIO (#3 below) is front row..good sound

jeanjenie is on Mixlr

sandyrk is on Mixlr

QUEENFCARG is on Mixlr

*Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS
*With many thanks to @mmadamimadamm for coordinating the info & streamers, to the streamers themselves for generosity & commitment to sharing their unforgettable experiences at the concert(s) via audio & video streams, to the poster designer & photographers, graphic designer, for the incredible unofficial posters for each & every Adam Lambert AND Queen + Adam Lambert concert.. And to QUEEN AND ADAM LAMBERT  & their talented & professional crew for the A++ concert experiences each and every time!!!