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Adam Lambert mention via LAMAG: Anna Kendrick Has a Lot of Feelings About Taco Bell, Emily Ratajkowski, and Sexy Bakeries

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Me, ever since Hairspray. So I feel you. Four Angelenos you’d recruit for your dream a cappella group?

Adam Lambert, who was one of my first friends in L.A. He did my makeup on the night that we met. And then five years later I was like, “Oh, do you sing? Oh, I see.” That’s on me, I did not know that. Steve Martin seems really musical, and we should have someone with a music theory background. Kelley Jakle, who is one of the unsung heroes of Pitch Perfect. She always knows everybody’s parts, so she would do all the legwork. And then maybe Emily Rarararara…?


Anna Kendrick Has a Lot of Feelings About Taco Bell, Emily Ratajkowski, and Sexy Bakeries

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Funny that it took her five years to realize Adam was a singer. It never came up in conversation? I think it's been fun to learn how many pretty big names were friends, or at least acquaintances of Adam, long before Idol. He really got around the Hollywood scene in his early twenties. I like that he has those connections. It gives him cred.