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Adam Lambert Fan Art! Advent Calendar December 9 (By @ Creativesharka)

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 9, 2016

Posted at : Friday, December 09, 2016

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Helloo Chibi Adam! Ah, you got a bite of gingerbread-boy right smack on the head.

Helloo gingerbread-boy! How are you feeling?

Gingerbread-boy: Ouch! I got a headache.

Chibi: Oh I'm sorry.

Chibi then went to the kitchen, got some chocolate and repaired gingerbread-boy's head.

All at once gingerbread-boy became energised and darted out the kitchen door... ran down the lane, taunting Chibi...
You cannot catch me! you should have just gobbled me up; now you've restored me, I can run faster than you.

Chibi was fuming mad...thought what an ingrate, gingerbread-boy was. Chibi ran after gingerbread-boy down the lane.
They soon came to a pond...a little crocodile peeked out of the muddy water and as gingerbread-boy was busy running and taunting, the hungry little crock slowly crept up and opened its mouth! Wham!

Watch out! And crock whacked gingerbread-boy's leg off. Chibi rushed to rescue his friend from the brink of death, by just an inch from crock's mouth.

Chibi took gingerbread-boy home, rushed into the kitchen, scooped a large blob of chocolate and repaired its leg.

Gingerbread-boy who had conked out due to its ordeal, slowly opened its eyes and smiled:
Thank you Chibi Adam! Happy Hanukkah!