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Adam Lambert mention via Gay Star News: Why gay girls have it harder than gay guys (written by a gay guy)

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, January 5, 2017

Posted at : Thursday, January 05, 2017

The often special relationship between straight women and gay men is long-documented. And romanticized. So much so, it even inspired an international, possibly-soon-to-be-returning hit TV show.
But what about gay men’s relationship with lesbian women? As a gay man myself, I sometimes sense that things are strained between us; especially as we approach something distantly resembling sexual equality in certain parts of the world.
I would urge any gay man to reconnect with his lesbian friends, while bearing in mind the following five ways in which way have it easier than our Sapphic sisters.

And while Sam Smith, Adam Lambert, Troye Sivan and Olly Alexander are making a splash on planet pop, how many gay girl equivalents can you think of?


Why gay girls have it harder than gay guys (written by a gay guy) 

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS