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Adam Lambert's snapchat story 2-11-17

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, February 11, 2017

Posted at : Saturday, February 11, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Lam-My said...

Full moon...I was admiring the beautiful full moon last night 11th Feb which is 15th of 1st lunar month, which officially ends the Chinese New Year, with a lot of festivities/firecrackers/lion dance/lanterns/dinners.

Chinese New Year starts with the New moon on the first day of the first lunar month and ends on the Full moon 15 days later.

Actually, the moon is always full on every 15th of every month based on the Chinese lunar calender, present year 4715.

月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart

By Bon Jovi...Chinese classic love song made famous by Singer, Teresa Teng of Taiwan.

月亮 yueh liang / moon
代表 dai beow / represents
我的 wor der / my
心 seeng / heart

你问我爱你有多深 - ni wern wor ai ni yeo duo shern / you ask me how deeply I love you

你 ni / you
问 wern / ask
我 wor / me
爱 ai / love
你 ni / you
有多 yeo duo / how much
深 shern / deep

你去想一想 ni chuee siang ih siang / you go think for one moment

你 ni / you
去 chuee / go
想 siang / think
一 ih / one
想一想 / siang ih siang / think for one moment

你去看一看 ni chuee karn ih karn / you go take a look

你 ni / you
去 chuee / go
看 karn / look
一 ih / one
看一看 karn ih karn / take a look

I love zi moon! lwl!

Lam-My said...

That's why Adam is acting crazy! in the video.

Owooooh... That's Pharaoh. lol!

Even the above spacing is berserk!

Lam-My said...

Video of Earth seen from Curiosity on Mars

Feb 6, 2014 - Uploaded by VideoFromSpace
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory captured imagery of the brightest object in its twilight sky, Earth and its orbiting ...

So mind-boggling...we are all living on that little shimmering thing in the sky.