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Ben Martinez Instagram: For the record he's way taller than me. Thanks Adam!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, February 9, 2017

Posted at : Thursday, February 09, 2017

A photo posted by Ben Martinez (@coolhaandluke) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Kath said...

I've been surprised at comments I have read about Adam looking heavy on the James Corden show. He is a man now that works out and does not have that skinny body of a guy in his 20's. We all fluctuate. Camera angles, the outfit, doing a George Michael thing. Stop comparing. Adam owns who he is.

Needed to get that out, just frustrated.....

Dee R Gee said...

I don't think Adam looked heavy at all on the JC show. Not at all. He looked great. For a guy who is @6ft. tall or a little more and probably weigts about 175 or, I think that he's in great shape. Quite slim, as a matter of fact.

glitzylady said...
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glitzylady said...

That. FACE... Wow!!! Adam continues to be stunningly attractive, in every possible way, and not just his good looks.. Beautiful man, beautiful heart and soul...


Unknown said...

Someone HELP me!!!

That stare! Seriously!!! #saveme

Kath said...

I totally agree glitzylady!

Mi Re La said...

These eyes killing me.

choons said...

Adam's bod is completely normal (well, a fabulous normal) - he went through a rather too-thin period for awhile, I thought, but on James Cordon he was perfect!

Adam's face in this photo, however, is not normal. It's heart-stopping. Call me a fan then call me an ambulance. : ))

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Let us not forget that the camera adds 10 lbs. to the subject!! That tells me that ADAM is still just PERFECT as always!! GORGEOUS!! Save me a seat in that ambulance @choons!! lol Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Lori said...

This reminds me of the people who are body shamming Lady Gaga for how she looked in her two piece outfit at the Super Bowl half time show.....I think these people are happy with their own body and projecting that on Adam (in this case) and any performer who chooses to show off their body.

Magiclady said...

The look he has on his face in this picture is the same as the one when he wore the kind of pink suit jacket with the black lapels. This is the only other time I have seen that same look. It stopped me cold then and does the same now.

He is so handsome I find it hard to look away sometimes.

Sure would like a crop of this, but don't know how.

choons said...

@magiclady - to crop, place your cursor top left corner of your intended crop (ie slightly above and to the left of Adam's head). Then with left hand hold down both shift and command buttons and with right hand hit number 4. Release. You will see a small circle with crosshairs appear where your cursor sits. Click and hold your cursor while dragging diagonally to bottom right of the image. Then release. You'll hear the sound of a camera shutter. The image should automatically appear on your desktop labelled Screencap. Done. You can then relabel it if you want as a jpg.

Magiclady said...

Thank you Choons! I'll give it a try!