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Adam Lambert Retweeted @PointFoundation: "Excited To Have @adamlambert Performing #PointHonors LA.." 10-7-17

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, September 4, 2017

Posted at : Monday, September 04, 2017

Adam Lambert Retweeted @PointFoundation: "Excited To Have @adamlambert Performing #PointHonors LA.."

"We’re so excited to have @adamlambert performing at #PointHonors LA, and @michcoll as our host! See y’all Oct 7!"

LINK TO Info: 

BEVERLY HILTON HOTEL on October 7, 2017

Adam Lambert and Michelle Collins

NOTE: We posted this announcement here on Adam Lambert 24/7 News on August 30th.. Go to the LINK HERE if interested. We published an interview with Adam and Michelle Collins (who is hosting this event) from November 2009.. always fun to look back.

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Is it possible that there will be a live stream? Audio or video? Will this be just one song or more .. anyone have any idea what ADAM will perform? I have so many questions .. wish I could be there but since I can't I hope there will be TONS of videos .. like Project Angel Food Awards!! Fingers crossed!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw...How did your visit from the therapists go today? My fingers are still crossed.

Allysa Mentor said...

I'm curious as to what Adam will sing and since he doesn't have any new music out, I'd love to hear him do a fabulous cover like he did on Idol. Michelle adorns him, I liked her on The View.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Hi! Nanbert .. the therapist thinks she may be able to help me reduce the size of my legs & release some of the pressure by gentle massage & wrapping them to help to keep them from getting any larger ... she says I'll probably use the bathroom more often .. good thing it's on the first floor .. lol!! My blood pressure is 126/80 .. my heart rate 75 .. my appetite isn't too good but how hungry can you get just sitting the majority of the time? She's also going to have a podiatrist come in & attend to my toenails .. diabetic feet are UGLY & I cry every time I look at them so I keep them covered most of the time. I used to have nice shapely legs when I was younger but the lymphedema has caused them to get hard & misshapen. She said she'll be back again on Friday AM to begin the therapy & my doctor is going to come over next month to check me over & see how I'm doing!! She's such a lovely girl .. they all are so sweet & genuinely caring .. especially my doctor. She's Italian like me so she understands that I'm a little bull headed when it comes to taking medication .. she says her dad is the same way .. I try not to give her a hard time!! Everyone tries so hard to cheer me up but sometimes I have a meltdown & I cry uncontrollably .. I miss my mom so desperately .. I talk to her all the time!! Sometimes I think this is all just a waste of time .. after all what good am I doing really? I'm never going anywhere anymore .. I don't want people looking at my legs so I stay in the house. Last time I was out in public was Christmas shopping last year .. now I live through my computer .. my eyes & ears to the world! My "cyber" family is very important to me even though I know I'll never see or meet any of you!! You are very dear to be concerned about me & I love you Glam Sister & I pray for you & your family to my sweet wonderful BFF .... JESUS!! It helps to be able to tell you things & you probably wonder why I'm so open about my life!! I've never had a real sister to confide in so I've adopted you .. I hope you don't mind!!

When I try to talk to anyone about my funeral or burial they all change the subject ... even hubby refuses to think about it!! I just don't want to be a burden on them even after I'm gone .. it's hard enough as it is when that day comes!! So here I am dear, venting on you again!! Thank you for caring .. it really does help!! Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw......It sounds like you've got a good "team" on board to help you get to feeling better... and a wonderful family for love and support...and a strong faith to comfort you. But even so, it's understandable that you get depressed. There's no shame in having a good cry now and then... it helps clear the air....but, unfortunately, NOT the sinuses, LOL.

Hang in there, babe, things still may look up as you start to feel better. IF you really want to talk to someone about your funeral/burial, why don't you write/type it all out in a note, and give copies to all your least the decision-makers. Also, include a copy with your will. That's what I did, at the same time inviting their input if they disagreed or were uncomfortable about anything. Often they will be relieved to have your input. But give them some slack about that, because funerals are REALLY about the living, NOT the dead.... it's basically doing what helps make the bereaved feel better, don't you think?

You might want to look up some forms/articles on the internet re: Living Will, Health Care Directive and related subjects to give you ideas on any instructions you want to give your loved ones.

So, my Glam sister, please feel free to vent when you need to. Sometimes it's easier to "talk" to a disembodied stranger. I'm here and I really DO care.... Love and hugs.

P.S. And take your meds!

Mi Re La said...

Lambert Outlaw, to all the Glamberts we care about you. We are all your brothers and sisters. In every corner of the world someone thinks of you.You have Adam in your soul and that should help a lot.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Nanbert & Mirela ... Thank you so very much for giving me the nudge in the backside I needed!! Sometimes it all seems so hopeless & I think .. why ME? But then I remember that there are so many others in this world who aren't as blessed as I am & I start to count my blessings! My problem is that I was always the one that did everything for everybody & now that the tables are turned I don't know how to NOT be in control!! I love them all very much but I have to realize that they're all still leading active lives & I know they love me but now I'm the sweet old Granny that they visit when they can or call on the phone when they remember to. As a matter of fact my great grandson will be coming over for a few hours everyday for the next day or two. He really lights up my life .. he's 4 y.o. & loves ADAM's .. Ghost Town ... sings it with him (the lyrics have been modified by me .. lol .. and watches him on Ytube!! He's a blondish ginger .. a real doll!! So you don't have to worry about me .. as you said .. I'm in Good Hands & my BFF is always with me & I have all of you in my Glamily that I can talk to when things seem low!! I do love you all & GOD Bless you all for listening & caring!! Light & Love Glam Sisters ... YOU ROCK!!

tess4(ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LTA said...

Lambert Outlaw,
We are sisterhoods bec. of Adam Lambert and it will continue forever dear!!!:) Be strong and cheer up with us!!!:) Miss the livestream!!!:)

Daydreaminmylif said...

Lambert Outlaw, God Bless You. Your family and Glamily are here for you always. You have been such a huge fan of Adam's and a nice constant in this group. I hope things work out well for your health and that you continue your regular posts when you can. You keep us up on when to vote for anything competing against Adam and you have probably single handedly won him many wins it seems. We need you here! I don't post very often anymore but definitely read your posts.