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VIDEO: Adam Lambert Various, March 17, 2020 (UPDATED)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Posted at : Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Our friend gelly414 has posted three videos containing audio-only interviews of Adam Lambert to promote his soon-to-be-released album VELVET with radio stations in Australia that were recorded yesterday, March 16th; one video of an audio-only interview of Adam by Fire Fight Australia host Celeste Barber done backstage during the concert; and an Adam Instagram story, which contains various bits and pieces including an appearance by his friend Terrance Spencer and his dog Jelly (and his boyfriend?); and, several fans showing their #VelvetGlam in response to Adam's live IG make-up session yesterday.

UPDATE (3/17/20): One more Australian radio station interview added at very bottom of post.

VIDEO ADDED: New audio-only interview with Australia's Hit 105 Brisbane:


Dee R Gee said...

Well this is a really great FEAST! I had to laugh when those two on the radio seemed to assume he was going to talk more about that Quakkoc creature (can't remember how it's spelled). But Adam kept laughing instead. Kind of an awkward/funny moment!

There is so much on Adam's plate. Hope things fall into place again before too long.

Rosemary White said...

Thanks so much for posting all these audio interviews - what a hoot!!!! They've really brightened up my day. The Qokka chat!!! :-D I loved that video of Adam feeding the Qokka!!!

Sunflower said...

Oh Adam always has us laughing! I love it. Yes the video of Terrance with jelly and Pharaoh also includes Terrance's boyfriend Anthony (Can't remember last name).