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CNBC: Adam Lambert Interview (VIDEO) (UPDATED: Full Interview)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Posted at : Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cable television network Consumer News & Business Channel, more popularly known as CNBC, interviewed Adam Lambert on May 11, 2020 to discuss the Queen + Adam Lambert benefit single "You Are The Champions"; gets his thoughts on the pandemic and the US government's response to it; talks about his "Feel Something Foundation" charitable organization; and spends some time talking about his career overall.

We have posted the three clips that CNBC has posted on its YouTube page, followed by a link to the post on their website which also includes the interview videos as well as the Q+AL "You Are The World" video and a written recap of the interview.  So far, there is no one video of the complete interview, so we have no way of knowing if these three clips generally cover its entirety or if there was more to the interview not seen in these videos.  However, if a full-length video of the interview appears, we will certainly post it.

UPDATE (5/13/20): As we stated above, we had previously posted the interview in three separate parts because, originally, that's all CNBC had posted.  They now have the full & complete interview posted on the CNBC website, which you'll find below, and we have removed the three separate videos.


Dee R Gee said...

Someday we will be able to watch "Late Night With Adam Lambert" and it will be a big hit show. He man expresses himself so well, he's well-informed and smart, and he can talk his head off.

And he's damn nice to look at.

Nanbert said...

hahahahaha....Dee R Gee....I've always said you sound like you should have been Adam's agent. But you're so ambitious for him that you would have worn him threadbare by this time!

Just kidding...I certainly want EVERYTHING for Adam, too....we all do. We just want to show him off to the whole world...his delightful charm, beauty and immense talent should be allowed to shine for all to see....and make more Glamberts!

Because, let's face it, the more people see and fall in love with Adam, the more he will be in we will get to see more of him on different venues.


Mi Re La said...

Happy glamberts!
Adam's signature on the letter of authenticity!

Mi Re La said...

I'm still waiting for the signed "Velvet" CD

Sunflower said...

Mirela I hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your signed "Velvet", fingers crossed its coming soon. Love this interview and everything Adam said but especially about "getting fat"! Haha I've lost weight during this quarantine but my clothes are telling me I've gained them back. :( ugh

Nanbert said...

Mi Re that you in that photo wearing one of Adam's auctioned outfits?..a friend?...or just a photo of an unknown purchaser? What will be done with the outfit? How exciting to have it!

Loved Adam's interview....he's so intelligent, down to earth and so-o-o charming and so-o-o likeable!

Mi Re La said...

No Nambert, It's not me. Is an happy unknown purchaser. I'm a 57-year-old white woman
I don't think Adam's clothes would fit me so well. I have big breasts LOL
I bought just a T-shirt from Adam's store and one of the 1000 "Velvet" CDs signed by Adam that I am still waiting for to arrive.

Dee R Gee said...

Apparently those signed CDs are trickling in slowly. But they are coming.

As to Adam's weight, he has said that he does not really like working out very much but he does it to keep in shape. He may have gained a bit during the lock-down but I have no doubt that when we see him perform again he will look as fabulous as ever.

Can't wait for the excitement to start escalating again!!!!! Tired of this limbo we are in.

Dee R Gee said...

I wish Adam would do some more at-home visits with us, whether it's singing or talking or doing something fun in the house. Baking a pie, painting a picture, walking the dog, whatever. Gotta keep that interest up. This lock-down is getting us down.

Mi Re La said...

Sunflower and Gee R Gee It's only been a month and a half since I bought the CD. I waited 3 months for the T-shirt. I don't expect the CD to arrive sooner especially due to the situation with this virus.
In my country, today the state of emergency has ended and the parks have opened. We are now on state of alert.I live near 2 very large parks and it was very frustrating not to walk through them 2 months.
I wonder how Adam endures this isolation especially this year when he released the long-awaited album and would have had many concerts and appearances on many shows. I am very sad about this

Nanbert said...

Yes, it's rotten luck for Adam (and us) that this stupid virus attacked right at the time Adam is ready to promote his new album....after a 4 year wait. Thank goodness he has Terrance (one of his best friends) and his boyfriend to keep him company...and 2 dogs for comic/cuddle relief!

But in all his interviews, Adam still seems level-headed and philosophical, and comfortable about seeking therapy, which he says is helpful. I can only hope he continues to remain very, very careful! After a long time, it's easy to get careless.

Maybe I shouldn't sound like a drag....but it's obvious we've still got MANY months of this misery and disruption...and fear... ahead of us. Don't let down your guard, Glamberts! We'll get through this....eventually.

Mi Re La said...

Queen + Adam Lambert’s ‘You Are The Champions’ Tops The Chart In Japan

Sue Smith said...

Yea they are topping the radio charts at number 5 I believe. So great, Adam's vocals are so terrific on that song.

Mi Re La said...

Vote Adam! The Most Handsome Men in the World 2020
You can vote only once in 24 hours.

Mi Re La said...

VOTE! Most Stylish Men May 2020

Rosemary White said...

Lovely interviewer and great interviewee!! :-))

Dee R Gee said...

I was just thinking of Trespassing and its being a milestone for Adam as the first openly gay artist to have a #1 album on a major label. I was thinking about the great songs on that album, and there are lots of them! Chokehold is just one of many that come to mind. Anyone else have some Trespassing favorites? Let us know!

Also there is an Australian interview out there about the women in Adam's life as he was growing up. Very good interview. He is a lucky man to have such good people in his life.

I will try to find the link.

Dee R Gee said...

Here's the link. Enjoy!

Sue Smith said...

I read Adam's above interview. I am so glad he did get therapy because it effected him alot. He sounds like he is handling it well. At least he has tools at his disposal now to create music and Skype into the media. The more you hear Adam the more you know he grown in to a fine person. He sure not in an easy business.

broddybounce said...

Thank you, Mi Re La, for the Japan Chart link, and Dee for the Sydney Morning Herald link. Will be posting those shortly!