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REUTERS: Queen and Adam Lambert release first live album

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, October 3, 2020

Posted at : Saturday, October 03, 2020


Nanbert said...

Oh my! Can't wait for my CD and DVD to arrive! And am already hoping they will be shortly followed by another album or two. After all, one album can't hold ALL the songs they have performed together....and some performances turn out to be so unique that they should be shown again..i.e. the same song during different performances! Lastly, there are also the one-off performances that definitely should be the one that opened the Oscars! And the X-factor appearance....and....well, you all can certainly think of your favorites.

Dee R Gee said...

Haven't heard that my order has been shipped yet, but I hope it's soon! And Nanbert, I agree. There should be more albums that give us more highlights.

Angeladam said...

Loved the dvd, eould have lived to have seen some ‘behind the scenes’ footage too

Nanbert said...

Angeladam....sorry to hear there's no "behind the scenes" footage. I was hoping for that, too. Maybe in the next album...fingers crossed.

Angeladam said...

Yes fingers crossed, they could release a few more dvd’s for sure !