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Music Journalist & Adam Lambert Superfan Lyndsey Parker Interviews Adam On His New Album, High Drama, for Yahoo Music, December 13, 2022

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Posted at : Tuesday, December 13, 2022

We all know Lyndsey Parker as one of Adam Lambert's longtime adoring fans, right back from the beginning with American Idol AND she happens to be an accomplished music journalist having covered all facets of music for Yahoo and other platforms and publications AND she also happens to be the Editor-In-Chief of Yahoo Music. So, it is fitting that Adam and his team chose the very sharp and on point and very well informed Lyndsey to be his very first US interview for the album — and, as expected, it is in-depth, it is lots of fun ... and it's just plain ol' excellent!  We are also pleased that Lyndsey did the interview on video, which we posted separately below, but it can also be found embedded within the print version.  But you must also actually read the print version as it is a bit more extensive than the video alone.



Dee R Gee said...

It's always fun to hear Lyndsey Parker and Adam have a conversation. She has been a huge fan from the veery beginning. He is SO excited about this album, and I am very excited, too!

I am curious about "I'm A Man." At first I thought it was the Steve Winwood song, which I love. But this Jobriath song sounds perfectly suited to Adam. Hope alot of people buy this album and enjoy it a lot!

broddybounce said...

Absolutely, Dee!! I'm particularly anxious to hear his version of I Can't Stand The Rain — a rockin' soul classic that I know he will just tear up!

Nanbert said...

I looked up the Jobriath version of "I'm a Man"....can't say it's "my cup of tea". But, it'll be interesting to hear Adam's approach. He could sing the phonebook!!!!