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Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga

Filed Under () by Admin on Sunday, November 22, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, November 22, 2009


Anonymous said...

Adam is too impressed with Lady Gaga, and if he is following her lead to produce ridiculous spectacles, he is well on his way to becoming an oddity, instead of a serious performer. Adam, are you selling out for commercialism?

Anonymous said...

Adam remember.....sometimes less is more. Let Lady GaGa do her thing........but don't pattern yourself after anyone. You are such a talented individual....I can't wait to hear you sing on GMA and Letterman.

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is brilliant. But stay true to your own roots sweetie :3

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is more interested in the theatrics than she is in her vocals. That's why I don't own any of her songs. I have ALL of Adam's recordings that are available. That's why I am just heartbroken about what happened at the AMA's last night. So much expectation; so much disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Have you heard Lady Gaga live or any of her acoustic sessions? She is a great singer... Wow people hate easy

Anonymous said...

adam at letterman

Anonymous said...

Having an opinion of where Gaga's focus lies does not translate to hate. Where do you get this?

Anonymous said...

Nah I meant people don't realise she's actually a good singer, and the undercurrent of disapproval was there was imminent so I ran with it, my bad bby D:
is adam on letterman tonight?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

Adam's on Letterman Wed., 11/25

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is truly an inovative artist and so is Adam. Makes sense they would have a lot in common. People if you are Adam fans you gotta know that he is pretty over the top. Have you seen his Crawl Through Fire?? He is just being himself and the album is selling like hot cakes!!!

Anonymous said...

We all know Adam is over the top. But the AMA's is not some fringe thingy out in the desert where only fringe people see it. That's why it's out there. Putting Burning Man in people's living rooms has alienated a lot of people who would have otherwise been fans, but now are repulsed. I have heard it all day. The businessman in him was not in charge last night or he would have been mindful of this....Teresa

Anonymous said...

Apologies to those who disagree but I think Adam's AMA performance was a brilliant business move. He couldn't BUY that much publicity with $10 million. Was it polarizing? Sure it was. My only disappointment is that the vocals were less than the supreme we've come to expect from him. But for PR sake, it doesn't matter if it's black or white (negative or positive) he is going to get so much mileage out of this it's incredible. His other performances this week I expect will be much more vocal-centric and less theatrics as appropriate for the shows. GMA cancelling his appearance tomorrow just adds to the buzz, especially with CBS Early Show grabbing him as quickly as they could while Barbara Walters announces him as one of her interviews on 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009. As for Lady Gaga, I love her performances, I love her theatrics. Maybe I just love OTT, and Adam and Gaga suit that to a "T". To those telling Adam "be true to yourself" - that's EXACTLY what he is doing... maybe what you really hope is for him to be true to who you want him to be. Adam as Adam has my support 100%.