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Adam on Sirius Satellite Radio (Complete)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 26, 2009

Posted at : Thursday, November 26, 2009


Anonymous said...

Thank you ADAM for being so open & honest. Your true loyal fans get you and support you all the way. Keep staying true to yourself. No filter!

Anonymous said...

i love the interview. ADAM not everybody will love you, but iam asking WHY NOT!!! your mother has to be so proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Adam...So positive! Always looking for the positive in everything! You certainly know how to take lemons & make it lemonade!
You look incredibly gorgeous in this interview. The EYES...are just mesmorizing! SO SEXY! I SO LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!
Keep doing what you do best...creating MASTERPIECES! Adam you are an incredible "WORK OF ART YOURSELF" just create your masterpieces in YOUR own image! It will continue to take the universe by storm!