CBS Rep: Why We Blurred Adam Lambert's Kiss and Not Madonna's
Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Posted at : Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What gives? A CBS rep explained the decision to Extratv:
"We gave this some real thought. The Madonna image is very familiar and has appeared countless times including many times on morning television. The Adam Lambert image is a subject of great current controversy, has not been nearly as widely disseminated, and for all we know, may still lead to legal consequences."
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I do understand why they did that. I'm not ecstatic and insanely in agreement with it, but I understand it. There is a lot of controversy surrounding it, for reasons beyond my understanding, and they were probably getting pressure about it. And also, again for reasons beyond my understanding, the public isn't as comfortable with male sexuality and a gay kiss as they are female sexuality and lesbian kiss. It sucks, but it will take some time.
But I still support CBS because they, unlike ABC, did not kick off Adam and lose faith in him. They still accepted him, and they do have their reasons for censoring it.
I would have thought that by 2009 our society would have evolved beyond this nonsense. If sexuality is "taboo" between men, why are we not consistent and equally uncomfortable with sexuality between women? Isn't it about time we got over it all and accepted people as they are, not as we think they should be?
I think CBS needs to take the proactive road and not censor Adam's kiss. It is no different than any other kiss shown in TV everyday. If people have a problem with 2 men kissing, then that is their own problem and they need to get over it. This is a new day and age, and if we do not want to discriminate on the basis of gender or sexual orientation, then we need to use the same standard for judging gay people as we do for straight people.
(To anonymous 2) maybe it's because women started being sexual with eachother before men?
I think ABC just admitted that it was a gender move....unbelievable. If they didn't want Adam to push the envelope so much, they shouldn't have hyped his performance all night as "something people will be talking about forever". Adam delivered what was advertised, and then they cut him off. ABC shows absolutely no spine. Worried about a fine??? How about all the songs that were on much earlier that had to be bleeped, or were about rapes,or had guns, etc. Rock and roll has always gone overboard, but this really is singling out one person for the "sins" of many. are the champions. Thank you for letting Adam's voice shine this morning and tonight.
ABC is such a hypocrite,,, they air Brothers and Sisters, one of my favorite shows, with Sally Field,, and there is a gay couple on there who are kissing all the time,,, no one seems to have a problem with that,,, not me, and obviously not ABC,,, so why Adam?
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I have to agree with CBS explanation I think what they should have said is we didn't want to further exploit Adam's controversy and leave it at that.
Brothers and Sister show: I have never watched and didn't know about gay couple kissing on the show. Now I'll have to watch just to show my support.
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