A Fallen Idol
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Saturday, November 28, 2009
Posted at : Saturday, November 28, 2009

It takes some musicians years to stockpile enough anecdotes worthy of a Behind The Music rockumentary, but American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert just managed to do so record time, following a classic rise/fall/redemption story arc in just one week.
The saga began last Sunday at the American Music Awards, when Adam--an unknown less than a year ago, before he became the breakout star of American Idol season 8--was primed to be the breakout star of the awards telecast. It was supposed to be his big night, with his first televised performance of his new single "For Your Entertainment" closing the big show. It was a classic rock 'n' roll Cinderella story of overnight stardom.
But then, something went wrong. An "in the moment" Adam got "carried away" (his words) during his raunchy performance--which, in case you missed it, featured a same-sex smooch, dancers on leather leashes, a whole lot of R-rated groping, and one especially outrageous unrehearsed dancer-interaction. All of this left blindsided camera crew members scrambling to quick-cut to widescreen audience reaction shots and panicked staffers in the editing bay working overtime to cut out "offensive" scenes for the show's tape-delayed broadcasts. By the end of the whole spectacle, the live audience was sitting in semi-silent shock as Adam flipped the bird, and roughly 1,500 irate viewers flooded the ABC switchboard with complaints. It appeared that on the biggest night of his life, during his important make-or-break performance, Adam Lambert had blown it.
The fallout continued later in the week, when it was announced that Adam's free Wednesday concert on Good Morning America has been cancelled, reportedly because ABC--the same network that aired Adam's controversial AMAs performance--was skittish that he might pull the same stunts that landed ABC in hot water Sunday night. A rep for GMA told TV Newser: "Given his controversial live performance on the AMAs, we were concerned about airing a similar concert so early in the morning."
But then, this whole tale had a rising-from-ashes happy ending. CBS rival morning program The Early Show promptly swooped up Adam for its Wednesday episode; the scandal only seemed to spike sales for Adam's debut album, For Your Entertainment, with him now predicted to sell an impressive 225,000 units in his first week; he delivered tamer Early Show and Letterman performances that were well-received by the public, establishing that it's not all about shock tactics with him; and he became a free-speech cause célèbre as he pointed out the double-standard that his performance had generated far more controversy than similarly racy displays by heterosexual female AMA performers.
So maybe he knew what he was doing all along. Regardless, it was one crazy week for Adam Lambert.
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It's both exhausting and exciting to be Adam Lambert's fan. Love, love, love him. Adam is so talented and I know he will have a long and lasting career ahead of him.
Love and trust him all the way to superstardom, where he should be.
Adam accomplishes more in a week than most artists do in a life time. He is larger than life. First amd foremost, is his unfathomable vocal talent. He can sing any note on a guitar, from the highest to the lowest. His interpretation of songs is unique and stunning. In interviews, Adam is highly articulate, funny and diarmingly honest. He will be the next iconic superstar. He has all the qualities that have made Gaga a star, but has something she doesn't. A voice that is unmatched in the music industry.
To myla - I know!!!! Being his fan is like a rollercoaster ride, one that I never want to get off!!!! He has unmeasurable talent and is smart, sexy, charming and has everything needed to be a star!!
Joan Baez said it best when singing about Dylan.
Idols are best when they're are made of stone, a savior's a nuisance to live with at home" Amen to that!
like I said, most people "go out with a bang" but
not our ADAM !! he "come's in with a BANG" !!!
lol, gotta love it !!!!!!
I loved it on the CBS early show when one of the anchors asked Adam how he handles so much weight on his shoulders right now (with all stuff going on) and he said something like "with all the layers of my shoulder pads" (pointing his hands at his shoulders as he smiled). It was so touching and cute.
Adam is charming, a great talent and he will be OK.
Adam is the most interesting person - never a dull moment!!
Adam Lambert, being your fan is an interesting educational experience! I have never learned so much in my life, and what a teacher! You go, Adam, and NEVER change! Don't apologize for anything.
Being an Adam fan is definitely very exhausting and INTERESTING and EXCITING at the same time. I mean, we have breaking news all the time! It's so exciting but there are always bashers and evil people who want to ruin our party.
but it's all good. it's part of the plan and the making of a legend.
Lyndsey, thank you for another great article. This has been one wild week and I have decided it is a full time job being a full fledged Adam fan...but I love it. There is never a dull moment and I am so glad I will be there for his wild ride. He is an amazing singer and I feel we will be seeing Adam for many, many years to come.
Never a dull moment with Adam. I have been a fan from the start and will continue to be a fan. I find him to be a brilliantly creative artist, an amazingly hot performer and an adorably charming person. Truly gifted and priceless.
Adam is a consummate professional, brilliantly gifted performer and a beautiful soul. I have been his fan since he opened his mouth and sang in San Francisco. I love being his fan and look forward to many years of listening to that magnificent voice.
Yeah my experience where Adam is concerned is "have faith" the guy is briliant, beautiful, and has an "it" factor that transcends all the norms. Love it!!
Adam has inspired so much thought and writing; he is the most compelling personality to captivate me. See http://onthemeaningofadamlambert.wordpress.com/
I'm exhausted from writing on so many blogs in defense of Adam because I cannot believe the hateful vitriol out there over ONE performance. There are people who claim they LOVED him on Idol but that this one performance was so evil and despicable that they have no other choice but to abandon him as a fan. Were they really ever a fan in the first place? It was a PERFORMANCE--not Adam's autobiography, but they are confusing the performance with the man and just won't let it alone. God bless him for being so calm and cool in the midst of the firestorm. I think in the future he should let GaGa be GaGa and let Adam be Adam! I just hope he isn't being blackballed on radio and TV because of this one performance.
Adam had me at "my name is Adam Lampert" so I'm hooked.....would he not make the best TV talk host????? I can't get enough of his interviews!
The writer is not right in guessing that Adam did it in purpose. He should have listened to Adam's interviews first; it was not pre-meditated. He got carried away...
OMG! I got on this website and the first thing I see is "A Fallen Idol" and a pic of Adam. I screamed loud bc I thought Adam was dead. My sister, who was staying 4 Thanksgiving, ran in and I was on the floor, curled up in a ball, shaking and crying. I wasn't breathing and was turning blue... My sister asked me if I was having a heart attack (even tho I'm much 2 young) and all I could do was point 2 the laptop. She looked at the screen and saw the title. She read on and comforted me by telling me that he wasn't dead. She sat with me for about an hour b4 I got back on the computer 2 c y he was a "fallen" idol. DON'T U EVR SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!!
I read this morning that GMA had wife-beater CB on instad of Adam! I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES!!! THAT IS VILE, NOT ONLY TO ADAM'S FANS BUT TO WOMEN!!! I AM THINKING SERIOUSLY OF BOYCOTTING ABC!!! Do you agree?
I thought it was pretty obvious that he was nervous and over reaching on the AMA's. It was just a bad move but not the end of his career. There were so many other performances that night which were just as rude.
Eminen was bragging about being a rapist and no one said anything about that. He and Chris Brown are disgustingly low down women haters.
He is a pretty nice guy and so talented. I enjoy him and I love the CD.
ABC acted rashly and CBS was smart. If anyone has ever seen Adam speak in an interview--then they know he is someone who is very reasonable for being an entertainer.
I am really disgusted with ABC's behavior more than Lambert's. He is young and a newbie in the biz--they should have given him a chance.
Chris Brown? Ugh.He Beats women and is sick in the head. Now Brown is someone to avoid.
Give me Entertainer Lambert any day over Women- Beater-Chris Brown.
ABC is the loser, they missed a chance to have millions of people tune in to their show to see Adam. We will watch Adam anywhere, anytime, because we can not get enough of the man, and his tallent. He is truely a beautiful person inside and out.
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