John Mayer calls Adam Lambert a "Superstar"
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Posted at : Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Like everyone else, John Mayer is talking about Adam Lambert today on Twitter. Here is the tweet that he tweeted in response to all the Adam Lambert headline.
# Lambert: Controversy: man-kiss. Gaffe: pending. Triumph: American Idol Superstar. 10:07 AM Nov 23rd from Twittelator
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I knew that Adam was who John was talking about when he said Triumph! Idolator thought he was talking about Taylor Swift's win.
Absolutely,Superstar!ABC are hypocrites acting shocked;they knew exactly what he was going to do,they pimped him all night! AND the rehearsals were all over the internet the day before.If we saw it,they saw it.Now they're playing dumd to appease right wingers.
It's all about publicity = ratings = MONEY.. ADAM drew in more viewers, and was the source for the "IT Factor" for publicity!! AMA's were a HUGE sucess - THE TOP SUBJECT EVERY WHERE!!
Hello !!! "right wingers" ??? Im a Reagan Republican dig the S&%T out of Adam. Especially LOVE how Adam said he wasnt going to be the poster boy for the Gay Agenda!!
Im glad he got it off his chest at the AMA.....Now my only hope is when he goes on tour, he has an afternoon matinee for the AI crowd (so I can bring my daughters to see him)and an "evengning performance" for those who can handle it!!!
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