Sauli Koskinen Talks About Adam Lambert In New Interview (Skip to 3:20)
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013
Skip to 3:20 into the video to see Sauli talking about Adam! He's very sweet! He said: "On one beautiful night I met a person who changed my life a bit"
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»awww he looks great and on another thread they said he tied for 1st place on DOI.
Nice guy. Lot of respect for Sauli.
Every time I see Sauli....I want to hug him!....JAK
Yea good to see Sauli pop up here, now and then; he looks happy and content. Sauli needs freedom to do what he wants; he is more relaxed this way.
Kinda sad, it was shortly after this was filmed that they broke up. They said too much separation. Adam was doing a 5 week tour, and Sauli was doing this show, which took a couple of months, besides other things that Adam had to do.
"A bit" is an understatement. More like "a lot".
Skip to 3:20 where Sauli is talking in a language I don't understand?
JAK good to hear from you many people were worrying about you.
Adam's fans outside of Finland vote for him during his performance. That's why he is number one on DOI.
8:59, I don't know, maybe all the 9.0s and the 10.0 helped with the first place as well.
8:59 aren't people allowed to vote if they don't live in Finland?
Only a small percent of votes from fans counts for anything, it's the judges that have the most of the count. By the way, Sauli has a huge number of fans who vote for him. He is extremely popular in Finland, before he ever met Adam. Wouldn't surprise me if Adam voted for him, he is following all of Sauli's skating, and they talk almost daily, according to an interview of Sauli. Sauli also has his own TV program, on every Saturday evening. He may not win this competition , but he has worked very hard to get where he is. He started out, hardly able to skate at all.He is just amazing on the ice.
The English is up above Sauli's picture.
People who don't live in Finland can vote only during his live performance and many Adam fans vote on this link.
'Anna omat pisteet' = Give your points
'Lähetä' = Send
Many of Adams fans are Sauli's fans too. So what is your point?
@ 8:57 PM.......JAK here.....thank you...I am fine just involved in family for a few days.....happy days! : )
Someone posted earlier that Sauli was tied for first place? Said there was a two way win!
I thought it was over someone posted he tied for first place. Guess talking about the one show.
Sauli fell in one of his performances on Sat. how could he be in first place unless Adam's fans voted him in first place.
9:27, no English on my screen. If I click on CC it only has Spanish (which I also do not speak.) How are you seeing English?
9:44, maybe judges scores and his own fans. Why do you find that so hard to believe?
They had two performances to do, and Sauli lost his balance, but did not fall. Why don't you believe that Sauli has fans too. Plus 4 judges, who have the final say
Is this video done on roof top of Adam's condo cause the background view looks like Hollywood Hills.
Above Sauli's picture he says "He is very sweet. On one beautiful night I met a person who changed my life a bit"
I think he changed his life a lot. BTW this was from Sauli's show not the skating one. He was talking to Niko, his friend.
Has anyone in Finland seen Adam first appearance on Glee yet?
If not your missing something he was amazing. He has another one soon can't wait. Adam stole the show singing Marry The Night it was amazing. I am happy Sauli is doing well happy for him. Very good things are happening for Adams career as well. He confirmed working on new music on Ellen's show and its very possible a Queen tour of some kind in America next year. He has said there will be a big up swing next year.
Genuinely happy for both the boys their careers are looking good.
I think first or second place is okay but not sure in this case though. Learning from Adam's runner-up placing, it didn't matter so much because Adam got as much as Kris Allen did...contract, car etc. But lately, it seems only the AI winner gets a contract, perhaps the car still remains. It still boils down to the success that Sauli can reap after the competition to further his career and art form. But yea if he lost his balance, that will have demerit points; applies to any competition.
10:02, are you effing kidding me?
For those who need to see Adam complimented by others:
Bo Bice @OfficialBoBice
@kradambofan @toddyrockstar @KrisAllen @adamlambert great choices! I'm a fan of these kats too
What are the prizes if Sauli wins DOI? Is he going to tour like stars on ice?
Adams career is singing, Sauli is just in a skating competition for celebrities, it is not anything to do with a career.His line of work is journalist and being a host on shows in Finland. He has only just this last 2 years learned to speak English. You cannot compare Adam to Sauli, Adam has been a trained singer since childhood. He is now a huge star world wide. On AI the top 3 finalist got contracts, and the top 2 got cars. Adam is Adam and Sauli is Sauli, and they are best friends, according to both of them from interviews. Both are single.
10.05 is Sue and that is my only post. Forgot to sign and do not care to be blamed for any other post here that's not mine. That is the second post of 10.05 under Lam-my by the way hi Lam-my. Sue
How sweet of Bo Bice. He was my fav. during his season. Loved all of his performances better than Underwood. He did well with his first album but then he started having family and stayed away from limelight for awhile. Seems that's a prescription for AI Alumni to get involve in a relationship after their first album.
Bice was out of the spotlight because he was in the hospital frequently.
Following is UK DOI prizes for the winner. I don't know if the same thing applies to winner of Finland DOI.
£35,000 cash prize plus a super gadget haul including;
One pair of brand new Ridell ice skates signed by Torvill and Dean
Samsung 40 inch Smart TV
Samsung or Toshiba Laptop with Windows 8
iPad Mini 16 gb with Wi-Fi
iPhone 5
Monitor Audio iDeck
Krups coffee maker
Sony Blu-Ray Home Cinema System
Sony PS3
Panasonic HC-V500EB Camcorder
Wii U
JVC noise reduction headphones
Nikon P310 digital camera
G-Bladez r/c helicopter
TomTom Sat Nav
but still no cuddly toy!
I voted for Bo as well. He was in a relationship while on Idol. Got married to same woman after idol had some kids. He did have some health problems and operations right after idol. I remember him at Adam and KA idol finale. They asked him who he was for he said I think Mr. Adam took this one referring to his performance the night before. Sue
I think Bo had surgery for ruptured bowel from diverticulitis. not positive tho.
Hey Sue! Good to hear from you...regarding a QueenAdam tour, whoa, that's something to look forward to; perhaps mirroring the 6 tours they did but now all in the States, maybe more. I heard Dr Brian said he got a lot of requests for the QueenAdam concerts. That'll take Adam further up the ladder of success and prepare for voluminous sales of 3rd album. Excellent!
I've never voted for anyone on Idol except for Adam. Adam on that show was just WOW. But I watched the show and I had my favorites. Yes Bo was one of fav. This past season Angie Miller was my fav. The only unique contestant out of all of them is Adam. Even Slash was moved by Adam's performances.
Yea talking about Angie, I like her powerful soprano. The Titanium duet she did with Adam ranks very high; not easy to overtake that; highly professional singers, both of them.
Love sauli and have so much respect for the work he has done on his own tv show and on dancing on Ice. Plus the kind of person he is and the way he lives his life. he deserves someone really great in his life and I hope we can continue to see him over the years.
I don't understant why some people here write kinda not so nice comments on Sauli, what is there not to like...I think Sauli is amazing person and he is regular person,not really a celebrity..that is why he has so many fans because he is easy to people to relate! And he has gone pretty far from he's time on Finland working with he's dad, saving money to get to see Adam <3...I think there is some reward on doi winner, but you have to remember Finland is a small country so there's no way that the rewards and other stuff would be in the same level than in US.
And I forgot to say ofcourse Adam fans in Finland has seen the glee performance and episode..we have internet here =D Everyday I have to find about is there something new about Adam..anything at all will Lake me happy, so thanks alot to people on this site to give us all the treats ;)
I am sure sauli has been paid a nice salary for his work on DOI. It's a job unlike a show like idol where people will do it because they want the record deal. its great for him that he has come off so well. Also good publicity for any future tv work he might have.
@ 10:05
I'm from Finland and I have seen Adams episode and yes, he was awesome! can't wait to see him again. :)
Sauli is very good at the DOI competition. I think he is technically best and he and Nea are my favourite couple. :)
Oops, that previous poster was from me,
Please somebody post a link (youtube?) of Sauli's & Nea's performance from yesterday? I heard their second number was really beautiful to watch!
And somebody tweet the link to Adam. He appreciates beauty in all its forms.
The stars who are in the US version of dancing with the stars can earn as much as 365k if they make it to the finals. Maybe more, since this information came from contracts revealed in 2009. They get a guaranteed minimum salary and then earn more and more per week for each week they stay in the competition. For the last two weeks they get 50k per week. While I dont know how much this particular show will pay, I'm sure Sauli is getting a nice salary this week since he got into the semifinals. I'm so thrilled for him!
I love Adam and have nothing but respect for him. The job he did on Glee was beyond awesome. Can't wait to see Adam again on Glee a very popular world wide show.
I beyond respect Adam for the great amount of charity work this man does and how he treats people how kind he as always been to all his friends and relationships he had, and the many kind things he done for these people.
He lives his life just fine there are many children and adults alive in Africa because of donations from Adams fans that he ask for on his birthdays instead of anything for himself.
He and his fans have done much for charities and Adam has given his time and performances to many other charities a very good man.
Adam just done I Heart recently televised and now Glee. He was so funny on his recent appearances on Ellen. Next year a new album and probably a US tour with Queen.
Adam lives his life as a kind hearted person who done much for charity and has fought his way up the later by himself.
Adam can be proud everything he has accomplished he done with just his management and his own talent.
I respect the hell out if Adam Lambert how he lives his life and depends on no one else he stands on his own two feet.
I love this man and again respect him and no one and I mean no one deserves to find love and happiness more than AML.
Lam-my so hope that the Queen and Adam deal happens in America I really feel they will work something out for some kind of tour. It sounded like they had been offered also a world tour. But most likely will do some prime cities in America. Who know there gonna work out something.
How many singers have the accolades from big icons like Adam does it also so great Adam getting so many new fans how wonderful with new album probably sometimes next year. Sue
Why are you posting all this here Sue? people are talking about Sauli.
Sue, for me the best thing about Adam is because of him I got to know Sauli.
I am not being hateful in any way I just responding to 12.42. Just expressing how I also feel about the person I love and care about Adam Lambert. What I think about how he lives his life. And I also hope he fines someone to love. However right now he busy with his career. Sauli is a good guy but Adam is every bit as kind loving and successful.
Idol is a platform for singers and they also get paid for each performance on the show plus the summer tour. Adam also won a car. It's more than just a record deal although that's the most important to a singer. Sue
responding to 12.42? There was nothing to respond to. That comment wasn't about Adam. You are so crazy.
Sauli looks pretty hot and extremely handsome in that jacuzzi. A lot more of that over here:
It is in Finnish but I guess there will be a translation available at some point.
I may be wrong but I think Adam made the break-up announcement while Sauli was filming this with Niko. Or was that a couple of days earlier?
Also Sue, since you insist on making it a competition, people get paid almost nothing for being on Idol. from 900 for a half hour show to 1300 for a two hour show. Someone like adam no doubt lost money because he spent so much more than the budget on clothes. And their family members have to pay their own expenses to come for the show. People typically make 150k for five months of touring if they get to the top ten. They do it for their shot at fame. Completely different from dancing with the stars or dancing on ice which is just a very well paid job.
I not a bit crazy. You explained to us all how great Sauli lives his life. How you hope he fines someone and how good his career is. I simply said the same things about Adam. So I'm no crazier than you. Why I talking about Adam ? Because its an Adam L. Site. You ask why people are mean about Sauli because SOME of you come here try to act like his career is far superior to Adams and that is just not true.
Why come to his site and talk about how you hope Sauli fines love how unkind to say that here.
If the best thing about Adam is because of him you found Sauli then please go to Sauli site because you obviously care nothing about Adam and most people here care a great deal about Adam. I am sure Sauli has a site to discuss all that. We love Adam every bit as much as you love Sauli probably more.
Since you insist on talking about money forget about the little he made onIdol he a millionaire quite a few times over. He was the only idol ever to this day to have a world tour right after idol. He was very kind to Sauli as well and you know that. Sue
It's has never been me who has insisted on making this a competition it's you who do that. Why can't you just come to an Adam Lambert site a say he did well in the competition.
Instead if going on and on about his career and how he lives his life. People like Sauli but that is all unnecessary. It cause unkind feelings. Would it not be nice to come to Adam site and show him some kindness for a change. Admin kind enough to mention him on this site. Why not show Adam the same kindness just once. Sue
I recall Sauli wasn't too happy about the timing of the announcement. He had kept the secret so that Adam could have biggest audience possible in Helsinki but Adam blurted out the split while Sauli was still filming his program and caused Sauli some extra hassle when the media started bombarding him with all sorts of questions.
That's total nonsense Adam blurted nothing out. Adam was popular inFinland long before he knew Sauli. People from Finland nice people have said that and they still feel that way . Adam popularity and audience in Finland had nothing to do with Sauli. He drew big audiences there for the GNT and has always been popular there. Keeping quite about the split was both their decisions. Again making Sauli to be the saint and its just not true. Keep on being negative about Adam. It not suppose to be tolerated and you should not be allowed to do it. Good night it's night here. That's why your getting away with it. I not listening to this stuff anymore its nonsense.
No one said anything unkind about adam, they were just talking about loving and respecting sauli. You reply with this hilarious list of everything you think makes adam better. But thanks for the laughs. It really kills you that sauli is doing so well.
I think both Adam and Sauli are great guys and are both very talented and likeable people. I wonder if any of our Finnish friends on this site would be able to translate this interview for those of us that only know the English language? And something I was always kind of wondering.....if you watch some of the Big Brother segments on YouTube with Sauli and Niko, I get the impression they had a romantic relationship during the show. But I've also heard that Niko is now married to a woman (a former Miss Helsinki?). In this video they seem to have a very affectionate relationship, such as when they're in the hot tub it seems they're so close their legs are touching, etc. I'm not trying to stir up trouble, but am wondering if anyone else "sees" what I see. Thanks!
Sue, you really could save yourself a lot of typing, we already know all the info about Adam which you repeat in lengthy detail over and over. We haven't forgotten.
Save your strength to get well. This particular thread is about Sauli. Let it be. We know how you feel about Adam but just scroll by your repetitive comments. Be calm. Adam is loved. You can relax.
Sauli seems so nice and very classy. He also has a calm demeanor like Adam. Maybe they will reconnect.
Haha omg people, some of you just takes things waaayyy to seriosly!! Talking about Sauli and how far he has gone, is just talking about him and there's no other meanings to it, got nothing to do with not respecting Adam and not thinkin he is as lovely as Sauli... I think most of us loves Adam and also loves Sauli.. No competition! And don't forget..they loved each other too so I guess it's ok for us to love both of them..right? Stop being childlish :) peace!
at 3:09 AM
About the concert in Helsinki, I think there is a slight difference between 2000 and 10,000. Adam became better-known in Finland ONLY after he started dating Sauli. And that is a fact. I think they both gained a lot and that's just fine. I love them both.
Niko is straight and married to a very beautiful lady and he is just a dear friend of Sauli's. They have spent a lot of time together during the past years, workwise but also as friends. You may find that strange since Adam mostly hangs out with gay guys. Sauli seems to hang out with all sorts of people, but the vast majority of them are straight, men and women and as far as I know, almost all of them are the same age or quite a bit older than he is.
For the one thinking about Niko and Sauli and their relationship..I do think there's some little bit warmer feelings there than normal friendship! I think in BB they were so close and it is a bit different place to make new friendship..and they were few months inside the house without any sex or touch, so maybe there was some flirting and stuff. But now they are friends, nothing more, Niko is so in love with his wife!
1:02 AM The other competitor Sara said in one interview that she gets a good salary for skating on DOI and it's a full time job but but I have understood that the winner gets a luxury holiday trip but nothing more.
I wish Admin would not post info about Sauli, this site is Adam's and showing video's or pictures of Sauli simply isn't necessary and only serves to cause arguments and ill feelings between fans. Their relationship is over and that's all we need to know, Adam has moved on and his fans should do the same. Video's and pics of Sauli only drag up the past.
Niko and Sauli are soul mates. That's the feeling I get.
at 4:53 AM
Sauli does not belong to the past only. They are still friends, aren't they? The keep in touch even though Sauli is now in Finland. No one was suggesting they are dating or romantically involved.
Do you really mean that the posts should be about Adam only and no one else, including his alleged boyfriends? Some of those posts "serve to cause arguments and ill feelings between fans", too.
4.53 I with you. If they show a video that was still about Adam. It's all Sauli post. Adams fans are now not allowed to post on this site, the one named Adam Lambert 24/7. Not allowed to post Adam accomplishment.
But they can go on and on about Sauli. Adam doing Glee and many things which he getting paid quite well for, thanks.
4:53 I agree. No one should be dictating to Sue what she can talk about either.This is admins site not Adam's so I guess she can post what she wants.I just vomit in my mouth a little when I see these posts and move on.
It not ok to take this site over and tell Adams fans they are not allowed to talk about Adam it's Sauli post. Come on now! Just read you saying that to sue.
Sauli is seldom mentioned around here and somehow it feels strange that some people always hurry to post about other things than Sauli on his threads although there are numerous other threads where they can discuss Glee and whatnot to their hearts content.
If admin decides to post about Sauli, then surely the intention is to initiate a discussion about him.
you people are nuts..nobody´s tellin anyone not to write about Adam, but isn´t it usual custom to write to the commentary a comments related to the post, so some was just wondering why would you start listin Adam´s accomplishments and things here. And just a little reminder..I think every single person coming to this site and commenting on posts, is in fact an ADAM fan...people who aren´t fans would have no interest on coming to this site! I hate this thing here that some fans thinks they are better fans than some, it´s not a competition!!! the meaning of being a fan and go to these sites is to spread the love to the artist and giving information and just to enjoy being a fan!
Sauli and Nea were amazing! Especially Minä ja hän (Me and him) was breathtaking. One of the judges was almost in tears cause he was so touched
They certainly did tell sue it was a Sauli post. Any Adam fan can list any accomplishments they want about Adam without Sauli's fan permission. Why would anyone start listing Adams accomplishments.
What do you think you do when you go on about Sauli, TV shows and skating and what a great life he lives, on and on.
I think that really nuts, really nuts.
The difference is Adam been a star for five years and his accomplishments are way more. Go back and read.
She was told this is a Sauli post save your typing.
She was also told this is about Sauli not Adam why are you talking about Adam.
Now if Sauli name mentioned we must all go to another post.
3.23 Adam is better! Probably why she had a long list. But your comment is humorous to say the least.
Just a comment about Adam's financial situation. I don't think any one of us knows anything about how much money Adam made or has except him and his financial manager. These comments about his finances are strictly speculation unless you have an inside into him personally. It just amazes me how much people think they know about an individual celeb they have never met or know personally.
He definitely is a millionaire Adam. Adam has been in Forbes magazine. That's how we know.
It amazes me how Sauli's fans go on and on about the tons of money he making. How do they know had he been in Forbes that's a financial magazine.
Agree with Lam-my :)
"Yea good to see Sauli pop up here, now and then; he looks happy and content. Sauli needs freedom to do what he wants; he is more relaxed this way."
Adam seem way more relaxed this way as well. Both are better this way as you say!
Why all the fighting? Let's all just chillax. I love both Adam and Sauli. If you don't, please just scroll on by. A little kindness and patience with each other can go a long way. :)
Well the Forbes story about idol salaries is just an estimate and it is before taxes and management expense. Carrie underwood has said she doesn't make as much as they reported in Forbes for example. . I am sure adam has made good money over the years but he has high expenses too, so who knew how much he has anymore. He has to pay his managers a good chunk if whatever he makes. A lot of people have blown through far more money than I'm sure adam ever had because they live the high life.
Why do you talk about money? Adam a millionaire? Great. Sauli is definitely not a millionaire. Neither am I.
Sauli is a cupcake full of light and joy and nowadays a very good skater, too, considering he started skating just a couple of months ago. :)
Forbes hasn't done yearly salary prediction for Idols since 2011 and I assume because of other talent shows in the picture now with other winners on those shows Forbes doesn't do it for Idols anymore.
Adam has done tons of different work since then and he got paid very well. He only buys fancy clothes but he wears them multiple times. Plus entertainers can claim it as tax deductible cause they have to look great all the time. It's part of their profession.
The reason I mentioned the dancing with the stars salaries is because people seemed to think sauli was only on the show competing for some prize. I am just pointing out he is working a job, putting on an entertainment show. It's a different deal than being on idol. It's sue as usual who brings Adams salary into this when Adams salary is not the topic here at all.
That's absolutely not true that adam can deduct his wardrobe expenses. The deduction only applies to stage wear that is not suitable for everyday use.
Nice to see sauli with his DOI gig.Hopefully he will try on acting /hosting gig.who knows if one day adam and sauli got acting in finish movie/tv.Just my dream hahah..
SK wasn't in love with AL. it was a good time and once the good time ran out there was nothing left. AL don't have time for long term commitments. AL is smiling more now than ever and probably likes how things worked out. get over it and move on
at 7:34 AM
...and your source of information is?
I see this video because on the caption it says Sauli is talking about Adam. This is Adam site, I want to know everything about Adam, not everything about his exes and friends accomplishment and theirs career.
at 7:45 AM
Great, now that you have told us your point of view, feel free to move on to check out the other, Sauli-free, threads. :)
Am happy with adam accomplishments till now.He can afford to attend famous clubs,bought expensive cloth and so on.Compare to FYE era,now he is luxuriously rich and secured financially. Thanks for his briliant management team.For sauli,he is talented man.I hope he can achive successful career like adam.
Was Adam filming Glee this week-end? No facial hair in pictures.
Just to squelch a rumor that Adam and Queen are planning a tour, that is an old post from before they did Las Vegas. They did say that if they do more with Adam it would be a very short tour, because they are getting older to do more than that.
Sauli is very loved in Finland and in US, as is Adam, but not on the same scale. Sauli never liked the publicity he got while living with Adam, and for that reason, I don't think he will ever live with Adam again. He is very good friends with Adam and Adams family, and will probably always be. Adam made it very clear he wanted to be single again, and live the life of a single man, dating who or wherever he wants, which he has been doing, and seems quite happy doing it.
Sauli wants to make a living using his own talents, and not living in any ones shadow.Even Adam has said that Sauli is a star in his own right.
I know Sauli has either 2 or 3 more weeks of skating in Finland, and is hoping he can do well enough to stay in finales. I don't think there is much money involved, but Sauli loves the challenge. He will be back home in LA by the end of this month. He is looking forward to being where it is warmer and longer daylight. Some one said they hoped that Adam would get to see his skating. Adam does follow the skating each week, and is very proud of Sauli, and Adam and Sauli talk almost every day, just as Adam talks to other people almost every day, Adam has hundreds of friends whom he keeps in close touch with.
Just throwing in my two cents.
I am not so sure that you can draw conclusions from someone's degree of success or happiness based on how expensive clothes he can buy or how exquisite clubs he can visit. Naturally, one can't ignore the financial aspects either.
I am pleased to hear that Adam is financially secure since the US is not really a welfare state and lacks the safety network that most European countries have.
at 8:16 AM
I read somewhere that they are planning a second season for Sauli's Best Friend. The show was very well received in Finland.
Is there an English translation of this anywhere?
Not yet but I believe there will be one over here:
And not just a summary but a proper translation of the whole episode, I hope.
If you are interest in Sauli, he has a site called "Saulis Corner" It is quite informative about his DOI, and "Saulis best Friend" They also bring up all the translations to English. I find the judges opinions of the skating very interesting. As also Saulis TV show, which sounds like he will be picked up to do another season. Finland is very fascinated to learn about the life and people in CA, which is what the show is about. It is all in Finnish, and is made for Finland. But it is translated into English for us.
6:48am I agree with you:))I looooove both guys Adam and Sauli too and see no hate for Adam here at all. And absolutely no reason for debate either. It is wonderful admin puts up a Sauli-thread, I have been waiting for this since they still are good friends with each other and I enjoy it to the max!!Yesss!I bet Adam is proud of Sauli´s accomplishments and vice versa Sauli of Adam´s. That is how these guys are, both adorable.:)) And I would hug them both too...A LOT!:)
What is this talk about money and who makes more ???don't get it at all. Of course Adam makes more than Sauli and most of us here, well prolly all of us,no brainer! Money doesn't define one's happiness and contentment. You can have all the money there is to have and still be the unhappiest person alive. Not so uncommon in Hollywood. And I bet Adam would choose loved ones over money any day! Too much everything is bad, but to have enough and be happy about it, is what I'm seeking in life.
Oh gosh...not a show about LA. We are already over populated with tons of traffic. Don't want more people here in LA.
@5:01 AM and a couple of other posters:
I agree with you. Something about Sauli and Niko's relationship has been a little puzzling to me. When Adam & Sauli started dating and they showed all the film of Sauli & Niko a the Big Brother House. Sauli and Niko seemed like much more then just friends, from all the video's that I saw.
I think that when Adam left his last gig before Xmas a couple of years ago and headed to Finland, so excited to be with Sauli; was unfortunately, the beginning of the of these two wonderful men's beautiful relationship.
I also think that Niko, "the married mam" was smack in the middle of it. Yes, I think they were drinking; but, we have never seen Adam, or heard of Adam Sloppy drunk (you know there would have been pictures). I think, that Niko and Sauli were displaying affection that made Adam feel uncomfortable and disrespected. Maybe Sauli was drunk; maybe Niko should have known better with his wife there.
Unconfirmed reports said they were asked to continue their loud arguing outside of the club, before they spent that awful night in jail. Apparently, Adam was going after Niko; and his wife and Sauli was trying to intervene; that is how she got in the mix. I guess she understands and accepts the relationship; Adam apparently did not.
I felt so bad for Adam, he put on a good face; went on Ellen; took full blame. I think they really wanted things to work out and rekindle the strong love bond they had; sometimes when trust is gone; it is hard to rekindle. To me Adam just did not seem the same afterwards.
I was quite surprised when Sauli posted pictures of Niko and him at the swimming pool of the condo that he and Adam shared; when Adam was out of town. Did not know at the time that he and Adam had broken up. Also, I think Niko was there to do Sauli's show.
I just wanted to express my sincere feelings and I see a few others felt similar thoughts. I know there were so many unfounded stories about Adam; and trying to blame him. Truth is, they never blamed each other. We will never know what truly happened; and none of our business. But, there are always two sides to every story.
Since it is said this is a Sauli post for the most part, thought it was a good time to get this express my feeling. Happy to say, they both seem so happy; each doing the things they love. Two beautiful young men in their prime and remaining good friend.
Well I am off to a family reunion. Have a wonderful day every one and a blessed evening!
Wow that is some serious fan fiction you have written. Nothing at all to do with reality at all. Really crazy.
9:02 AM
Don't be afraid! Sauli's show is about people who ALREADY LIVE in LA or near it. I don't think that there will be a mass invasion from Finland to LA b/c of this show, hehe. He tells about interesting people who have succeeded to make interesting careers in US.
And I find all this comparing childish. Both guys make their own careers now. They are single. They will meet their special ones some day when they are ready to settle down. Now they enjoy the single life. Although I miss those interviews of Adam when he said how great it was to be in a relationship. He said he felt secure and confident. Well, he has now his freedom and that seems to suit him well too.
I hate it when some say that "he didn't love him". We know nothing about other people's inner feelings and secrets. We don't live in anyone's body. We don't know how people feel, how they love etc. We are not them!
8:16 AM
Sorry, I will say this politely; stop pretending to be a fan of Adam's. You calmly set out pretending to compliment Adam; then continued to try and make Sauli seem like a virgin saint. Then, to make Adam sound like a male whore. Also, you said that Sauli will never live with Adam again; well how do you know that Adam will even want him to?
You need to politely put a sock in it, and stop insulting Adam on his own fan site. Adam's fans love him; and we are not stupid. Amen!
I agree with some of what you said, except they were all very drunk, including Adam, so he says.
Nikos wife was trying to calm Adam down, as he was crying. Too much drinking has caused so many people to ruin their lives and relationships.
@9:43 AM
Whatever you are complaining about; they probably accurately hit the nail on the head. Does thou protest too much? If it's the post directly above yours; I think he or she is somewhere in the ball park, that many of us have be thinking. Not crazy at all. You are beginning to seem like the crazy one. Everyone entitled to their own opinion.
at 9:38 AM
Yours is just one theory among many other theories. I'm afraid Sauli and Adam will never open up about the real reasons why they decided to part ways. And I don't think that this thread should go that way either. One thing I'm pretty convinced of is that Sauli and Niko are just friends. It is possible that Adam might have been jealous of their friendship and suspect there was something more going on, if you think Niko is somehow involved.
Having said that, I am going see Sauli skate for the ??? time... :)
I'm comfuse now, is this Adam or Sauli site? People are being told to move on if you don't want to hear about Sauli. We are Adam Lambert fans and Sauli is someone he has dated in the past.
I agree with a lot of what @9:38 AM said. I think Adam took the entire blame and did not go into reasons to protect Sauli and out of respect for Nikko's (sp) wife.
@10:01 I believe that Adam was crying because he was so hurt and upset that he would be treated that way by Sauli. He is very sensitive when it comes to people he loves; he has said that; also, said that he will cry in a movie; said that just the other day. I think the wife was intervening because she did not want her husband possibly hurt by Adam; because she saw how upset Adam was.
9:38 AM
The facts: Niko has always been straight (I believe when he says so and Sauli says so). Niko and Sauli made just good friends in BB. You sometimes meet a soul mate when you least expect it. They worked together two years after BB. Niko got married last year with a woman. Sauli and Adam had some difficulties in Helsinki 12/2011. They were drunk and jet lagged (Adam confirmed that). Niko and his wife Sofia tried to calm the situation down. Just an hour before they went out quarreling all was really fine and everybody was happy (fact that Katri, another good friend of Sauli told; she had just left them and couldn't believe what happened cause everything seemed to be so well).
And we know nothing more. That is quite a fiction from you. Oh, boy.
And I saw Adam very happy with Sauli after that incident in many, many places, for instance in the concerts with Queen. And if I remember right it was after that incident when the Fantasy Spring concert was; there he said in the stage that his "heart is in a good place" and "I love you baby". And the first public kiss pic, last December (Diva after party).
And so on and so on...
10:17 AM
This thread is about Sauli. You may see the vid is about Sauli.
You are right: this is Adam site but sometimes there are other issues too.
But you might find something interesting in other threads, maybe? I say it once more: this is about Sauli. Admin started this thread. So, here it is.
Loved seeing Sauli pic as he and Adam are still good friends. That's all I need to know.......nancdruuu2
Omg this is completely ridiculous. First there are plenty of stories about adam being sloppy drunk that have nothing to so with sauli. Remember lady Gagas birthday for one? Pictures of him after the rock my town concert? Stories from several people about his actions during the ru Paul drag race party?
Second, trying to imply that sauli and niko have something going on when there is nothing at all to suggest that. Adam and niko are facebook friends and niko comments on Adams posts including one quite recently. So there is no jealousy between them.
And lol, you feel bad for poor adam taking all the blame. I think he was just very neutral about his comments and just said they were both drunk and relationships were a lot of work. He basically said it was no big deal but he never took the blame.
Oh goodness gracious with all this we-know-everything-about Adam and Sauli!!! It is absolutely beyond crazy! It's plain and simple sick if you'll ask me. And even if you don't, gonna say it anyway!
@10:11 & 10:38 & @10:01
After reading your posts. So many different opinions. It is true none of us will ever know what really went on as long as the parties remain silent about it.
No one can say they know what is going on between Sauli and Nikko either; unless you are Sauli, Nikko, Nikko's wife; or Adam; who probably knows more about what is going on than any of us.
So all people that say, I know this or that is not true; face it, none of us know anything; except about their professional lives, that we see. No fans know what went on then; or what goes on now, behind any of their closed doors. We really do not want to know; and really, really do not need to know. Just enjoy these fine men as fans; and stay the hell out of their personal lives.
10:18 AM
What blame? Neither of them has been saying anything about the incident except Adam's tweet: "too much vodka + jet lag", or something.
But if it makes you feel better, I say: "Adam is saint".
I'm sure they both are unhappy of what happened and I guess that they took the "OOFTA" tattoo to remind not to behave that way again. Note: both of them.
And that is an old story. Why bring it here again? You can't change the past. You can learn about it. They have survived. They are happy. They are single. They are not competitors in any areas. They are just friends.
As are Sauli and Niko.
10:11 AM
I'll also watch it. Again. I love this Me and him/her -skating so much.
And I wait for new episodes of Glee; the Adam episodes.
I love these guys. Both of them. So much.
It is so lovely having all the Sauli fans on here trashing Adam and defending Sauli. Some are quite rude. But, for the most part I think the majority are being pretty respectful of Adam. After all, this is his fan site. When Adam's fans express an opinion they should not be called crazy. I think I am going to leave now. I think there are just about one or two Sauli fans causing all the "I know it all about Sauli water". Carry on.
at 10:18 AM
Me and him, rest assured everybody that Sauli is not thinking about Niko while skating. Their relationship is more like a bro sort of thing, ref Ellen's show. They are two goofballs who sometimes like to get wasted and party extra hard.
@10:36 AM
I don't think I read on here that anyone thought Adam was a saint. I do feel that most of his fans think that he is a man of great integrity; if you want to make fun of that; go ahead. I think that Sauli has always been given a great deal of respect by Adam's fan. But, Sauli post or not; we are not going to let anyone come on here and trash Adam not even in a small way.
Now as far as what went on between Adam and Sauli that is none of our business; I don't know; and neither do you. Just as you want Adam's fans to stop the speculation; so should Sauli's fans.
Oh yes I do wish Sauli much luck in his skating; because Adam said they were still friends. I do hope you continue enjoying Glee; I am sure that Sauli is proud of his friend Adam. They seem to both be wonderful young men in their prime. They both have so much potential good fortunate to look forward to. I am off to enjoy my day; everyone have a nice one.
I see no one trashing Adam and I did read the whole thread. But there are several nasty posts about Sauli and Sauli fans. Lies, even.
Please, try to stay positive, Sauli threads are not too common around here. He is an interesting guy and still belongs to Adam's circle of friends.
10:51 AM
Isn't it so that you defend the ones you love? People get sometimes rude towards Sauli, too. The threads that are about him seem for some reason to be popular. Everyone seems to know Adam and Sauli "better than they know themselves". But I'm sure people who come here are more or less Adam-fans. Why would they come here otherwise? To see if there is thread about Sauli? I doubt. Sauli has his own fan sites, for instance Sauli Corner.
Nice to see that they are still friends. But Adam seems to be more interested in his ex Drake nowadays if you count the interest in the "liking" of IG-pics. And of course you count, right?
And I repeat: We do not know anything about these guys' personal life. And that is not our business.
In this videoclip of Sauli, he says that he feels that Niko is like an older brother to him. Absolutely no need to make more of it. People please! Enough of innuendos. Adam is sweet, Sauli is sweet, they are close friends...everything is just fine.
11:11 AM
My thoughts exactly. Thanks!
I don't know where Sauli and Niko more than friends back then. It was a beautiful bromance and there are many videos made by fans. There surely was some flirting but also fans wanted to see what they wanted to believe.
@10:55 AM
We will just leave it at that. All the rest is none of our business; we never know what anyone is thinking.
But, I know one thing; regardless of what happen or why. Both of their behinds learnt a good and important lesson that they will never forget. That is a very, very good thing as they go forward in life.
Why don't we let this thread get back to Sauli's beautiful skating. Let the past stay there. I think 2014 will be a very good year for both of these brave beautiful young men. Peace and out!
This is 11:13 AM
I meant the first 11:11 AM but I also agree the third 11:11 AM comment. Confusion: three comments at the same time.
Oh dear, whenever there's a Sauli thread the Tommyberts come running. They have a fixation with Sauli.
11:18 AM
Thanks! Wise words. I'll go and see Sauli's skating, once again. I just love the last romantic performance so much.
I too believe that they both will have an interesting and good year 2014.
A whole lot of speculation on this blog. Personally, I think Sauli was probably attractedc to Adam, who wouldn't be, saw a good thing and went for it. Didnt know Sauli from JoecBlow until Adam, nor did the rest of the world. No one posting here knows what happened. We do,know that Saulinwas given lots of opportunities postvAdam, and Adam had some difficulty moving on. This tells me Adam way more invested than Sauli. I just as soon keep this post an Adam post and Sauli fans can visit his site.
@11:15 Thinking of Adommy ;)
Speaking of Adam liking Drake's picutures is Drake now a single?
Adam is more close to Drake than Sauli. I think Bridger is more like an avec than a possible bf.
@11:29 Perhaps Adam and Drake continue from where they left in 2009. To me it seems like they might try it.
@11:11 AM #1
Just had to throw your little nasty dig in, by insinuating that Adam might be dating his ex boyfriend, and present dear friend Drake; because he likes his pictures and artwork; just as he like Sauli's pictures and skating project and many other artists.
I guess if you want to hear Adam say he is single, pull up the Ellen show a couple weeks ago on his first appearance; he told Ellen that he is single. I hope that everybody read your post; this is what Adam fans have to always put up; way back when. You are quick to believe everything Sauli say's. He says Nikko is like a brother, fine; but what Adam says seems to be suspect. Only Adam and Sauli know why they broke up; any other speculation, not important. You are a guest on this site; like the rest of us; respect Adam on his fan site.
This man is no rude. He is a beautiful soul. Peace everyone!
11:29 AM
Yes, he is. It happened quite recently but he has been seen with Adam after his break-up.
11:33 AM
How do you know he is more close to Drake than Sauli? He has not lived with Drake but lived with Sauli for over two years. You have been a fly in the ceiling?
11:49 AM
What is? Sauli? Yes, he is.
This thread? Yes, it is.
@11:40AM what does it matter to you then who Adam was or perhaps is dating? Did someone here say he is not single? I didn't read all the comments. I'm @11:33AM.
@11:28,11:29,11:33,11:40 AM
Oh my Lord; who let the inmates out of the crazy house. This thread has gotten crazier than bats out of hell.
Adam said on Ellen the other day when he was being the Guest DJ, that he is single. His life is so busy now; he probably does not even have time to date.
But, when and if he does; it is none of your business. If I am speaking to one person pretending to be more; you sound so pathetic,
If I am speaking to more than one person; then the world is in trouble. Sounds like a bunch of adolescents, (sorry adolescents).
I am leaving this site now. Don't want to hear a damn thing you poor idiots have to say; talk among yourselves; all of the ones that I have listed. I will let other posters have at you; if they wish.
I am done. Bye.
@11:49 Happy to hear that Drake is single! Of course break-ups are never easy and Drake seemed to have a happy little family but you just never know.
My post at 11:58 Correction
Is meant for 11:40 Am poster #1 as one of the crazy people; not poster 11:40 AM #2.
Wow, I'm so glad someone mentioned Drake - shows how far behind I am, I still miss Drake, feel sad that long-love, Brad was so painful for Adam and now Sauli was not the forever love. It is just so reflective that Adam remains such good friends with past, deep loves - makes me wonder if guys are just cooler about that than are we. Still hoping for the Universe to lead this amazing, loving man to the person who will fulfill love for ever. All this bickering and snipping and telling people what they should think and say....we all just love Adam and hope that our love and words from afar, surround him with hope and joy. My wish for him has changed little in these soon to be five years - be SAFE and remain INTACT in all ways - he seems to be wonderfully successful at both. What a dazzling star has grabbed us all along the way. The others are but players in the life of this unique wonder of a person. & thank you 24/News for still being so fun and accessable.
Just my 2 cents. I'm a big fan of Adam Lambert's (as you may have noticed..). Adam "introduced" us to Sauli Koskinen when they began their relationship and I subsequently watched all of the Big Brother Finland vids..and other vids that Sauli has appeared in over the years. As a result, I feel like I have at least, on some level, some sense of who he is. He seems to be a sweet, happy, caring, lovely guy. Just like Adam, who I also feel I have a pretty good idea of who HE is as well, having been following his career closely since the beginning of 2009.. They remain close friends today, something that speaks so well of both of them.
The incident in Finland at Christmas was certainly a moment where we all held our "collective" breath...I just happened to catch the first news of it at the very beginning, on Twitter: It was a horrifying few hours, waiting to see what the "fall-out" would be, and what the heck happened. I can only begin to imagine what it was like for Adam, Sauli, and the others who were there. Horrible, frightening, devastating. S**t happens.... and whatever and/or whomever was to "blame" is irrelevant at this point in time. We all have our moments that we wish hadn't happened, momentary mistakes have been made. The big difference is, we don't usually end up on the world news. (Thankfully!) They moved on. I hate the fact that it was brought up here. Again.
As for why they parted ways early this year: We can endlessly speculate but the bottom line is that they felt they needed to do that, for reasons know to them. And we should respect their reasons and their privacy. I thought they were beautiful together. I could see the obvious love in their eyes when they were together and when they spoke of each other when apart. I was there for "The Kiss" at The Divas show.. But they, and we, move on.......
I like Sauli very much, I'm a fan of his. Because he's talented in his own right. And because I have come to appreciate him for who HE is, separate from Adam. This video that Admin posted mentions Adam and is therefore relevant to an Adam Lambert fan site. What a shame that every time we see something about Sauli here on 24/7 it ultimately becomes a quarrel. Adam and Sauli are both kind, sweet men, who deserve more respect than what some here are giving them. I've literally run into Sauli at a few events and he always had a smile on his face, and is so good looking in person (just had to throw that in :)). He radiates "happy". No wonder Adam fell in love with him... And vice versa.
I wish the best to both Adam and Sauli as they go about their separate lives...
at 11:45 AM
What a lovely picture. Sauli is so beautiful and as a added bonus he is a romantic sweetheart, too. ♥
@11:58 You don't sound very happy about something. I have nothing against Drake and I happen to like Sauli. Sorry not sorry.
I hope Sauli will do more shows with FoxFinland. FoxFinland has said that it's possible. These times just are not easy and TV channels have financial troubles so time will tell. Anyway Sauli has said that he has some projects in L.A. when he is going back there.
Glitzylady <3
I think Drake looks now more mature and handsome. I have understood that he had troubles handle the publicity when they were dating with Adam?
Nothing has changed here. Troll comments, fighting, and long lectures from a know-it-all braggart. Why did I think anything would be different.
Just ironic with the post on tolerance for new fans. That's never going to happen while this kind of stuff goes on. New fans are going to take one look at this bs and move on.
@ glitzylady
Thank you for the voice of reason! I agree with the matters you brought out very well :)
Time to stop dredging up Adam's past and to stop prying into his personal life, not to mention that of Drake's.
@coloforadam @12:03 PM #1
What a heartwarming beautiful post; brought tears to my eyes. I feel as though it was something I would have written. The voice of calm on this rocky ship.
Adam is such a treasure; and I feel so lucky to have discovered him; along with the million of other fans. Adam has invaded my life in a good way; with so much joy. His music is divine and his voice out of this world. His is really the only music that I really want to listen to. Although I try to listen to what he suggest sometimes; and most of the time; no thanks.
I don't know if Adam even knows how great he is. He is so humble; so kind, so honest. I better stop before I go on all day. I am so looking forward to more Glee. This may seem impossible; but, I wish some forward thinking person would give him a weekly talk show if he could fit it in; a monthly, yearly he needs to be seen and heard by the masses.
This coming year is going to be very, very big for Adam; I can just feel it. I can understand why no one wants to let Adam go; he is just too wonderful.
I repeat these threads would never be so long withouth the Tommyberts. They still trolling on twitter with multiple accounts. What do Tommyberts think they gain with that? Sauliberts have more brains and they know they would only harm Sauli by sending judgemental tweets to Adam and his friends, so it is a Tommyberts mission. Some of them still hate Sauli and want others to hate him too.
I agree with a poster about the trolls; and I don't know who the know it all bragging people are; but I do see a lot of the same people that post their names; and
some that don't; they are the voices of reason. They also try and explain both sides of the situations. I hope those wonderful people never stop expressing their opinions. Some of us think we know everything; but really don't.
Some of you actually sound like you believe you have been in the middle of Adam's personal life and know it all first hand. Idea for you.....start writing fiction books and see if they fly.
I love and adore Adam. Plain and simple. I thought it looked like Adam was extremely happy with Sauli while they were together. Hate it that it didn't last....but I have no right to sit and write my theories on what their relationship was all about. We all have our fantasies, but seriously, some of you seem to have traveled out of the world of real life.
NONE OF US have or will be lucky enough to actually be in Adam's life. Most of us seem to realize this, but obviously some have tipped the scale of reality.
I love hearing things about Sauli. He brought smiles to Adam's life, and hearing them speak about each other brought smiles to MY life. Sauli will always be a part of Adam.....they loved each other for a couple years. They have each left their imprint on each other's lives and hearts.
Done deal....this site can keep me informed about anything that has something to do with Adam's life. I am a fan....a lifelong fan....but I realize he and his world are only a window for me to look into and enjoy. He is not my friend, my foe, my relative, or anything else in my real life. He is my fantasy man, and I love hearing all about Sauli. Can't we just take these films and news tags and listen and enjoy without people trying to pick them all apart?
This is so one should be here comparing anyone's wealth or talents to each other. That is so judgemental and trashing.
I am weary of these rants by people on this site. Adam isn't and never has been or will be perfect. NONE OF US ARE....adjust, accept, and be happy for everyone.
Exhausting site......disappointing.
Sauli does it again. Lots of hits.
Or is it admin who knows people always get overly excited when Sauli's name is mentioned around here?
I feel a little blue. Next time is DOI semifinal so even if Sauli goes to the final which is very possible there will still be only two DOI programs left and Sauli's best friend ended at least for now.
Someone who was not a Saulifan but follows DOI wrote yesterday on Twitter after DOI that Sauli's smile lighted up her living room. I think that says a lot.
The Tommyberts keep on trolling as long as there are people who believe the trolls are Sauliberts. So far there's no ending in sight. The sunflowerstan1 account for instance. Even the avi looks like something a Tommybert would come up with. Also, what a coincidence that Jana_Pe is keeping list of the troll accounts.
I understand not everyone likes Sauli, that is normal. But why some put so much effort to it, to make someone, preferably Adam's friends and family, to dislike Sauli fans. A bit revealing, imo. Oh well, back to my new hobby, unsolved crime cases.. :)
Let's just close this thread with Glitzylady's comment and call it a day. Too many fantasies and nonsense speculations.
Cheer up everybody, I guess this makes me a troll, but I couldn't care less. Some Sauli and Nea voguing here :)
The great thing about Adam and Sauli for most fans is that they are not an either/or proposition. You can like both of them. Too bad that some fans cannot match their class and talent for building bridges over troubled waters.
I like this song from the great disco era. This guy did the vogueing before it was called vogueing. :)
Destination - Move On Up Suite (Video)
12:38, so true. All of us are just on the outside looking in and we really don't know anything and shouldn't be digging into everything.
This site is exhausting and disappointing. I need to just look at the pics and not open the comments. So much bickering, stupidity, delusions, prying, meanness, trashing of other performers etc etc. It's a cesspool. It's a shame really what this site has turned into.
In this video Sauli said he had horrible time in LA because he couldn't understand English. Yet he wants to live in LA and calls it home. I can't understand it why someone wants to live somewhere for life if it's horrible.
@1:28 PM It's awesome althoug Sauli has one touch to the ice when he jumps. I have enjoyed their voguing today more than yesterday when I was "OMG Sauli almost fall down" :)
For the english speaking finnish language is probably very difficult to learn. It's grammar is related to sumerian grammar. I am finnish and I think arabs learn to pronounce finnish very well.
12:38 long comments are exhausting to me.
at 1:36 PM
THANKS! Nice, the singer looks like Sam Sparro. :)
at 1:39 PM
He never said anything like that. Sauli was lonely and knew noboby in LA, and that was a big change for a sociable guy he is. Missed his family a lot. Who wouldn't?
@1:39 PM Sauli said that the first 6 months were difficult when he knew only Adam and had no other friends. Sauli is a very social guy like Adam. After he got friends from L.A. things got easier and he enjoys being there and wouldn't change a thing.
1:52 Darn!!
I am sorry but the rumor about Adam and Queen doing a tour is probably true.
What they said was they don't think they want to do a nine month tour so much else going on but will probably do some prime cities.
They said they have had many offers after the very successful I Heart show.
Last interview I heard they said people really want Adam and them to do a tour. They said Adam performed to 300,000 people on Kiev and was calm so he can certainly handle it. It was 250,000 but he said that.
They said people wanted it so they were thinking about it.
Adam also said people just seem thirsty for them to do a tour.
Queen said they have put all the offers that are still coming in on the table to try and figure what Queen and Adam can do.
Most likely they will do some prime cities in the US.
It most likely will not be a huge tour but they did not say it would be real short.
They will work out something.i feel sure some kind if tour will happen.
It's true Queen are older and although I feel Adam and Queen have been offered a big tour it would be to much for them.
They will work out something to please people they mentioned a few pre city tour.
Both Adam and Queen have other things coming up. Adam has new music next year he will have to promote.
It certainly does seem however there will be a moderate tour in America with Queen and Adam next year. Adam himself has hinted at that. That can only up his career. No it's not written in stone but with all both have said it seems a US tour in some big prime cities will happen. How long or short that will be remains to be seen. I will be happy for anything they are unbelievable together what huge talents they are!!
12:38pm Thankey I thought your post was good, sometimes it requires a long thread like this to get the real constructive thoughts out as a result of it. There are posts really worth reading here:). I think some posters are hurt when nice things are written about Sauli, I just hope those people would understand niceness to others is not off from Adam, not one bit. Both guys still keep in contact and I´m sure they enjoy each other´s successes. I just love the topic of this thread and the humour in what Sauli was saying about Adam. He obviously meant Adam was the person who rocked his world!:))
And glitzylady imo your post is always worth reading. I´m glad you enjoy Sauli´s magic too, A heart has to be open without any prejudice or jealousy to see more.
And I think you see:).
@1:52pm in one of his interviews he said it was his own decision to come to LA. Why then say in other interviews that he had horrible time when he decided on his own to move to LA? There are contradictions in his interviews. Maybe translations aren't done well. Cause I get two different emotions from reading translations.
1:52 actually Sauli doesn't sound like he likes Finnish people that much from a blog I read, that is why he adjusted so well over here. So he might as well stay in LA, I like him.
at 2:03 PM
Ok, so we are talking about Queen now, fine, no problem. I went to the 3rd Hammersmith concert and saw Adam at about two metres' distance. He was very handsome :)
Unfortunately, I couldn't spot Sauli since he was somewhere on the upper circle. :(
And who is that person above who keeps on writing nonsense about Sauli?
Yes for Queen concerts in America. I can't wait to see Adam in concert again. His own album and Queenbert in 2014. Couldn't be any better. Adam hold on to these great moments and treasure it.
Of course we are talking about Queen. They are a big part of Adams exciting life now.
But only one part.
It's an Adam Lambert site so of course Queen is a big part of that.
What amazing talent. The best singer in the world and the best band. What a concert in America that will be.
2:05pm Maybe you are feferring to the one interview Sauli was complimenting on the sunny spirit LA people have and said the Finnish are not so talkative or open. I think Sauli really loves LA and all the sunshine there. We have freezing cold now here in Finland. And a night so I´ll jump to my bed now,ciao!
Huge 3 things I want to know about Adam are 1) new music album 2) Queen collaboration 3) Elliot and Kurt relationships.
I mean Referring...
Thank goodness! Bed time in Finland. Hopefully peace on Adam Lambert 24/7 site.
This thread has jumped the shark, for sure. I'll add my thoughts and hope this thread gets put to bed. First, Adam has learned his lesson and doesn't get publicly drunk. He learned a lot from the Helsinki episode. I think he and Sauli still truly like each other. I wonder if we'll ever see them together when Sauli moves back to L.A.? Maybe. I assume Adam and Sauli decided together to have Sauli come live with Adam. Sure, his English was not good then, but he learned a lot through being with Adam. He met new people and became happier. Can't blame him for wanting to be in L.A. esp. if he'll be doing another season of his own show. These two guys have a lot going for them right now.
Adam said on Ellen that he is single. I believe him. He has exes and current male friends, but apparently he isn't dating anyone. I'm more interested in his new label and his new music for next year. Queen and Glee are frosting on the cake. Let's be happy and not dwell on arguing about things we don't know for sure. Let's have some FUN!
@3:35 Greetings from Finland. I don't know if this is far-fetched, but finnish fans take the breakup lightly because we are not catholics. Divorce is not very uncommon here and many don't get married, even if they have children.
Thanks! I hope both Adam and Sauli reach their peak of achievements with great joy and satisfaction. Wealth and success are important and do bring contentment in one's life but other things like love and giving back to others are just, if not more important. Both Adam and Sauli will in my opinion, find their way in this maze we call life; in different ways and expertise. Well, whether they will give it another go, who knows which way the wind blows...Also Congratulations! to Sauli on his show and skating.
The topics re Adam's past boyfriends and/or Adam's future boyfriends always garner the most posts on this blog, often of the hate variety. Further, sure this is a topic about Sauli but there are people who discuss him on topics here that are not about Sauli & these posters get upset if others call them on it. Why do people want to dredge up the past ..... it's beyond the pale.
Being single certainly does not mean he is not dating. Lol He is definitely dating.
Well, I just read 150 comments thread about Sauli on another Adam site. Things about the single guy Sauli, lol. The consensus seems to be there is a market for a Sauli site with free discussion.
This guy makes thread explode. No wonder! He's hot!
What site, please post a link.
Want to read it. Thanks.
Have said it many times before --- these two totally wonderful guys deserve ONLY good things happening in their lives and ONLY fans that can behave and treat them accordingly.
Loving and liking both of them (as a fan) as separate individuals, whether they are together or not, is totally possible. Have been an avid Adam fan since Am Idol, got to know Sauli via Adam. No need to dwell on the past, but that does not mean that you have to desert either one of them just because they are not together anymore. Would not do that to my separated relatives or friends either, unless there's some real, grave reasons for that. And here to me (as a fan) there aren't.
Commenting and liking Sauli does not make me of a lesser fan of Adam and I'm appalled by the way some Adam fans have treated Sauli (comments, tweets) since their separation. And the same goes for some 'Sauli only' fans. Not the place of fans to blame or look for guilty parties etc. And I'm not even talking about trolls or lunatics, although can't help but wonder why is it that these wonderful, kindhearted guys interest so many of such creatures...
Both guys lift my spirits just by being the beautiful persons that they are. I follow what happens in their lives in general. Have no need for every little detail of their private lives.
So kudos to Sauli for being the Sunshiny Person you are. Good luck in DOI (kudos to Nea, too!), you are a classy, super hot and talented guy!!!
Most of all I love and follow Adam's career,enjoy his pics and vids, he is my Shining Star, love him for his VOICE and persona. But seeing news about Sauli here - re Adam - should be as OKAY as seeing news about any other person in Adam's circle of friends and Glamily.
Sorry for any mistakes, writing from my crappy phone.
Have a nice night/day ya'll!
"On one beautiful night I met someone who changed my life a bit..." - that is Sauli saying Adam changed his life a lot, and that all he said, like giving thanks. He is a classy guy. Hope all of you get it. Classy. Just like Adam.
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