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Adam Lambert is New York Post's Entertainer of the Year

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, December 22, 2009

No 6. Adam Lambert
It's crazy to think that in 2008, the name Adam Lambert didn't mean anything. Now when his name is bandied about, a million images, sounds and high notes cycle through your mind. From his amazing reworkings of iconic songs ("Mad World," "If I Can't Have You") on "American Idol" to his shocking AMA performance, the man has been on the tip of everyone's tongue for 365 days. But Adam's biggest accomplishment has been his questionably covered, but undoubtedly brilliant debut CD, "For Your Entertainment" and the gay old time he's had promoting it.



Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! the gay ald time. He is Adam and he is gay and we can't LOVE him enough. He has the guts to be HIMSELF!!!! My hats off to Adam Lambert. HE is one BADASS vocalist and SOOO HOT!!! OUCH,

Anonymous said...

The fact that the name Adam Lambert didn't mean anything to me in 2008 and everything to me in 2009, just blows my mind. Adam hasn't just brought music again into my life, he has brought magic again into it. Thank you so much Adam! Love You Forever

Anonymous said...

Adam makes me feel like a teenager again. He is magical, can't get enough of seeing him whether its singing for just talking, could watch him all day.

Anonymous said...

YAY Adam, couldn't be happier for ya!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Adam has made this year so much fun! I have started to go to concerts again. I saw him when he came to Michigan. It was the Adam Lambert show! His cd is spectacular. I can't wait until he comes back to Michigan!

lily said...

adam, you are trying the change the world, good luck! it will not be easy but at least someone has the guts to do it. i love your music and your sexuality is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has been in my thoughts, and on my computer screen every day since I saw him sing on American Idol. He blew me away with his music, personality, and good looks. He made me want to listen to music again.

Anonymous said...

Adam. Thank you. You make ME want to listen to music again...yours. You are fabulous and taking the world by storm. Let the hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones rage on.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could remember the exact moment on Idol that I became fixated on Adam. He was always a favorite, but at some point I became a follower. And my life hasn't been the same. He and his music have brought so much to me that I will be forever grateful. I absolutely loved Ring of Fire. And I loved Adam's reaction when Simon said it was self indulgent rubish or something like that. He didn't get angry or defensive like some others. Anyway, congrats to Adam. He deserves all of it.

Anonymous said...

I'm with all of the above. The minute he opened his mouth in his audition I knew he was special. My world is brighter because he really has brought not just his but all new forms of music to me.