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Adam Lambert reschedules Jimmy Kimmel on ABC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lyndsey Parker's most recent tweet: Adam is to be rescheduled on Jimmy Kimmel live - no date set (yet).

CREDIT: exredhead


Anonymous said...

My understanding is that it wasn't Kimmel's decision anyway to cancel Adam. Well, that's a little progress by the stuffy ABC execs assuming they have approved this decision. Their overreaction to Adam's performance is still astounding to me. But in the long run, I think Adam has been well served by all the attention.

Anonymous said...

More Adam on t.v..that's a good thing. Now if we can just get that Adam Lambert t.v. channel set up we can have Adam every day in our livingrooms.
Finally ABC might be coming around. Adam has proven, more than he needed to, that he can give an outstanding, family friendly performance as he already has done so on Letterman, Conan and SYTYCD.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I don't think it was Jimmy Kimmel who canceled Adams appearance on his show. He just had to listen to the stuffed shirts at ABC cuz after all, he works for that network. Happy to hear things are changing & altho, I'll watch Adam on Kimmel, I still think ABC stinks & I won't watch anything else on ABC unless Adam appears!

Anonymous said...

We want all the Adam we can get. That's why I'm at this web site every day. It would be great if we had an Adam Lambert Show on TV, so we could see himat least once a week!!

Anonymous said...

Well I have been watching the other shows since ABC decided to go all homophobic on us and I tell you I am really liking this Jimmy Fallon guy. He cracks me up. I would really love to see Adam on Jimmy Fallon's show. I have banned ABC so I will only watch him if he does indeed go on Kimmel's show. But I'm not going to watch ABC anymore unless Adam is on one of their shows. Kimmel was my number one late night guy before. I really thought he would have stood up to the bigots and told them to F off. I was upset he had to cancel Adam.

luth said...

glad things are turning positive with adam. abc is finally realized that they are missing out, adam is the hottest star at the moment and they are aware of that. way to go adam, happy for you.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that the AMA got us talking about doublr standarts in this country. Adam got the attention he deserves and we, the fans, got a chance to speak on his behalf. The think that is mossing in this country is TOLARENCE and RESPECT of INDIVIDUALS> Adam,the amazing, got us stirring a conversation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Adam

LambertsLabelle said...

YES!!!Good for you,ABC!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you all want to see Adam every week on a TV show? I wrote a pilot to a TV sitcom that has Adam in a regular roll (he's too busy with that singing thing to be in the lead role). I sent it to him at his fanmail address at 19 but I don't know of anyone in Hollywood to talk to about this, especially without the idea being stolen. I can be found posting as Lauriellen almost every day on AO.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Adam on Oprah? When he appeared in November through Skype, Oprah invited Adam to appear on her show in December. Then, we hear nothing. Did Oprah cancel him due to ABC's pressure?

Anonymous said...

if adam goes on kimmel, they better have an extra long interview with adam and at least a two-song set!

and very important: AMAs and all the crap that ABC did and everything surrounding all that crap should not be brought up at all. it's in the past. adam fans don't want to hear it. adam of course will be nice about it, but i'm sure he'd rather not talk about it.

move forward and be positive and let adam talk, just let him talk. he's beautiful and when he talks it's always something special.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has just won Best American Idol Ever with 93,445 votes. This will become a twitter wall. Yeah!! Go Adam!