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MSN: Adam Lambert is one of the hottest Jews in Hollywood!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 19, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 19, 2009

Chosen One: Adam Lambert
Mishpucha: Raised Jewish (sang Hebrew songs as a child!)
Why He's Hot: He's like a hip-swingin', badass (gay) Jewish Elvis.



Anonymous said...

Jewish, Christian, Agnostic, or whatever, Adam is the sexiest singer I have ever seen!!

Anonymous said...

Hey be sure to vote for Adam's music video on VH1 top 20 and Fuse Also check it out on Let's keep Adam on top because this video is just HOT!!!

Anonymous said...

He's a nice Jewish boy whose "dreidel" spins the other way! He cracks me up. Adam Lambert's CD is hot! I can't stop singing it and it keeps a smile on me all day at work. Some folks have been asking me what's new these days and I just smile and say nothing. But they obviously don't believe me. His music makes me happy, lifts my spirits and some songs make me feel sexy. Keep putting your music out Adam. We love it!

Anonymous said...

Adam is hilarious. Can you imagine him as a cantor? I think I would go back to temple again and sit on the front row. Love the comment that "his music makes me happy, lifts my spirits...make me feel sexy." That's exactly how I feel. Even my husband is now singing along. I feel we've been given a treasure with this talented young man. It's about the music, but it's also about Adam. He's special, and I don't care how his dreidel spins...just so it spins.

Anonymous said...

Adam is SO hot, and I am happy he is Jewish cus I am too. LOL His FYE album is #1 in Israel. The fact that he is Jewish, I think, Helps For Israelis. They are VERY SUPPORTIVE and PROUD of Jewish Talent.Please keep buying his Cd , It Makes a GREAT holiday gift. I gave 20 of then, No joke,to all my friends and some of my family. They LOVE IT!! This season give your loved once the gift of music. Adam's music.PLEASE>

Anonymous said...

G-d chose well!

Anonymous said...

Wish you wouldn't talk about Adam being Gay and Jewish. The Muslims would like nothing better than to silence his beautiful voice.

Anonymous said...

Don't care about anything except that he's exciting, beautiful, edgy, wild, restrained, provocative, decent, gracious, stylish, bold, loving, intense, otherworldly, refreshing, articulate, magnetic, captivating, thoughtful, multi-dimensional, dynamic, irresistible, and, oh yeah, multi-octive, mega-talented, and just plain cool. I love this guy!

Anonymous said...

I was around when Elvis was king, and he was the sexiest singer. However today ADAM is the sexiest singer. He doesn't remind me so much of Elvis as he reminds me of how crazy we all were about Elvis and the passion and loyalty
we had toward him. I think Adam will be the next mega superstar. Love him.