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Adam Lambert confirms he's booked on Idol!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Adam himself has confirmed on twitter that he will be on American Idol Season 9! Can't wait!

"Yes, I have been booked on Idol! Can't reveal the date yet but it's a ways off... So excited. Kris and Allison were awesome last night"


Image via


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Anonymous said...

I hope it is toward the end of the season. It would also be great if he would be able to do a duet with Christina since it is his wish.

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to see him on there. I am sooo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's a ways of. Toward the end. Where a lot oif ppl will tune in to see Adam.
I am not watching AI. But I will to watch Adam.
The show itself knows who the real talent/winner is.

Anonymous said...

saw kris and allison and they did good. anyone who was wondering why adam wasn't on yet- just think about it. they could hav scaled down his look and all of that, but he explodes on stage.

Anonymous said...

Yes, saw his Twat (not Great news. I was hoping they would have him as he will boost viewing even higher than it is.

Anonymous said...

My idol story:
Most years I would tune in for the finale and that was it. However last year a friend I play cards with raved about Adam Lamber on Idol. I went home and googled "Satisfaction". After watching only 2 minutes of Adam Lambert I instantly scheduled my tivo for every show of the season and ended up rewinding Adams part over and over.
So I watched the top 24 this week and sad to say I have no desire to do the same this year. I will watch for when Adam is on again.
And yes Kris and Allison were good. They have inproved even since Idol.

Anonymous said...

I see him giving an appearence towards the end of the show. Like top5 up or something. He'd bring in HUGE ratings, just as he did for Leno, Cheslea, AMA (well I believe he brought in major ratings for that god awful grammys wanna-be show) and Idol last year. Can't wait to see him breathe some LIFE into this years season.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 2:32pm - that was histerical - tears running down my face as I write. Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait! It will be so right for him to be back and rocking out. It will seem so surreal. There is something that is just so special about him returning there. Hope they allow him to do 2 songs. Maybe If I Had You, and Mad World or Down The Rabbit Hole. Epic

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yessssssssssssssssss. Can't wait to see him on Idol once again. Bet Simon will be happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy day! I hope he does Sure Fire Winners at the finale.

Anonymous said...

Saw Kris and Allison...Kris sang with such emotion, I almost cried. But poor Allison needs a stylist to dress her...the dress/outfit was horrable and distracting to her voice.