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Adam Lambert Has a Week Full of Voicing His Opinions

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Adam Lambert has spent the last week in the news and it has ranged from opinions on Susan Boyle, male figure skating and who the next American Idol will be. So while our talented Adam Lambert is making amazing music and lots of appearances, Adam Lambert is also busy opinionating on lots of other cultural things that are going on.

The latest opinion that Adam Lambert has voiced is around figure skater Johnny Weir. Johnny Weir has been a very ostentatious in his Olympic performances and it has been said that he is setting a bad example for other professional skaters, Adam Lambert came to his defense. Adam Lambert said to Access Hollywood, "I'm glad he's a trailblazer. He's comfortable in his own skin, clearly. And he's expressing himself. I think that's what art's all about."

Adam Lambert certainly knows what its like to be called flamboyant and ostentatious after the backlash over his cutting-edge performance at the American Music Awards last November. Adam Lambert has never apologized for that performance and he stands by it, even though he realizes that not all people appreciated the artistic value or message.

There has also been stories this week that Adam Lambert supposedly trashed Susan Boyle. In an interview with Gay Times magazine Adam Lambert said, ""I'm happy for her success, but that album is terrible. 'Wild Horses' is the one that made me laugh the hardest. I just died when I heard it, I was crying with laughter. It was the most horrendous, sacrilegious treatment of that song!"

Adam Lambert was answering in the context of humor when he was asked about the fact that his debut album sold 200,000 copies in its first week and that he was outsold by Boyle. Adam Lambert said it with laughter and we know he doesn't take himself too seriously. Adam went on to say, "Still, when my album charted, it was validating. I was feeling

And now Adam Lambert has tweeted about who his fave contestant is for this new season of American Idol, Todrick Hall. "[Todrick is] def gonna surprise us!! Mad talent!! Def the full package." Adam also had good things to say about Casey James and Andrew Garcia as well. "Casey is def the real deal. Authentic. Andrew Garcia's too."
It will be interesting now to watch American Idol and see if any of Adam Lambert's early favorites will be true. I think the talent rests with Lee Dewyze and that he is the next American Idol.

But in the end the ultimate performer found by American Idol to date is Adam Lambert!



Anonymous said...

I love this.

Anonymous said...

The moral of this story is.... If you don't want Adam's opinion, don't ask. If you ask, he will be straight forward.
Rock on, gorgeous Adam

Anonymous said...

The last paragraph says it all.


Anonymous said...

"But in the end the ultimate performer found by American Idol to date is Adam Lambert!"

I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Yup, Adam is well-spoken, intelligent, and enlightened. If you ask his opinion, you will get it. Think that is why he is in such high demand for interviews....?????

Anonymous said...

I agree. The only idol is adam.

Anonymous said...

I like that he tells it like it is. Moral of story, if you don't want a honest answer then don't ask the question!!! Atleast you always know where you stand with Adam. How many artist can you say THAT about? None that I know of, well except for our boy Adam. I don't agree with his choice of Hall, but I do like that he mentions Casey and Garcia. I also agree that Lee just might be the next AI. Although I would love it to be Casey.


Rock on.

lou said...

adam's mind is full of ideas, quite a smart person, vocal and opinionated, what is wrong with that? it is nice to know that there is such person like adam who is interest in other people other than himself.

Anonymous said...

"But in the end the ultimate performer found by American Idol to date is Adam Lambert!"

AGREE. That's why I fall asleep watching this season.

Anonymous said...

Watching AI this season is interesting, but not exciting like last year. I can't stop thinking about how much fun we had watching Adam perform, and listening to the judges' complements. I miss the whole experience. I will never forget how exciting he was on that show.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the last sentence.
But if we're talking about AI9, Siobhan Magnus is someone to watch.

Anonymous said...

SOOO Boring this year and you can see it in the judges faces.... They are soo Bored. I bet they just can't shake the memories of Adam Blowing their minds every week. Adam ruined it for IDOL.. They need to shut down..
The only talent is Toddrick and he will win. However, He does not come close to Adams Aura, Charisma, or talent!!! OH WELL!!

Anonymous said...

i believe adam said he was misquoted...again...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam...loved Lee Dewyze from my home town of Chicago. He has a lot of style. Hope he goes far. Didn't care for Todrick Hall...too showboat. There are several good women too.

Anonymous said...

We can all speculate...just remember what happened last year. It didn't happen like everyone thought it would.

Anonymous said...

I was just glad to see this article being written positively about Adam!!