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Adam Lambert Official CD Covers for Europe!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It seems like they have a different album cover than the US. They're using the FYE Single Cover as their Album Cover. Interesting.



Anonymous said...

you could say that if was taken from my blog :-(

Anonymous said...

oh sorry i didn't see before... thank you! Sorry!

my blog is from switzerland if you were asking!

good night! or day i don't know what time is it at your home...

Anonymous said...

OMG they should have used that cover for the US! I love the glam cover but that cover is better!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't they use the original Album Cover? Europeans are more open minded and they will buy that Glam cover up.

But then it doesn't matter because I love this cover too.

I hope Adam is a success in Europe.

Anonymous said...

yes, nice Album Cover! Can't wait too buy it here in the Netherlands. I think he will do well, but he needs to promote his album because he's not well know here, he's not in magazines not on tv or radio,there are not that many people who know him.But i love him and his music!

Anonymous said...

I love these covers. Wish they were used here in the US. I hate the US one. It just looks tacky. The person that made it did a terrible job.

Anonymous said...

pls vote for adam on the vh1 top 20 countdown!!!

Anonymous said...

In Finland the album's already released and we got the US covers. Personally I don't complain, think those look way more cooler and personal than European cover which is a little more mainstream.