Evil Adam Lambert slams sweet Susan Boyle? Not exactly
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is it with celebrity interviews lately? Must everyone take things out of context?
Adam Lambert spoke with U.K. magazine Gay Times for its March issue, in an interview excerpted here. Yes, he criticizes Susan Boyle's album. But does he "slam Susan Boyle"? Was the point of the interview to trash her album and extend his "15 minutes of fame"? Has he "gone on the record to tell everyone what he really thinks" and blame SuBo's album for his failure? Hardly.
[A]dam answered his critics when For Your Entertainment sold 200,000 copies in its first week on sale, charting above new releases from Rihanna and Lady Gaga, albeit outsold by a certain Scottish lassie…
"I know, if only it weren’t for Susan Boyle!” Adam laughs. “I’m happy for her success, but that album is terrible. Wild Horses is the one that made me laugh the hardest. I just died when I heard it, I was crying with laughter. It was the most horrendous, sacrilegious treatment of that song!
"Still, when my album charted, it was validating. I was feeling [a] bit attacked, like I had to vindicate something. I thought: ‘Wow, look what I did.'"
Does that read as if the Real Adam Lambert was twirling his villainous imaginary mustache, or shaking a fist at the heavens, and, in the spirit of "Scooby-Doo," cursing, "If only it hadn't been for Susan Boyle and those meddling kids! I would've gotten away with it!"
Or does it read as if, perhaps ...
... the singer is responding to a fact-based mention that Boyle's first album debuted higher than Lambert's? Did the reporter note that Adam laughed at that moment perhaps to make it clear that the glittery one wasn't cursing his non-competition?
You decide.
(Of course, objectively, "I'm happy for her success" is about as horrific as an attack on another human can get. We realize that brutality might sway your interpretation.)
Now let's take a trip into the irony department, with a bit pulled from higher up in the interview, before the alleged Boyle-clubbing section. (Shock! His album comments aren't actually the lead of the story! Which you'd never know if you did a Google news search of the two names right now!)
These are the words of Gay Times writer Jamie Taberrer; the bold emphasis is mine:
From his forgivable penchant for guyliner (don’t pretend you haven’t been there), to his opinion-polarising album cover, to his controversial performance at last year’s American Music Awards (in which he kissed and groped a male member of his band, inducing thousands of complaints to TV network ABC) it seems Adam can’t bat a mascara-clad eyelash without offending somebody. The irony being, of course, that Adam’s really not shocking underneath it all. In fact, he’s a just a normal guy who – shock, horror! – is actually WILLING to talk about his sexuality.
Boyle and Lambert were both pop-culture sensations on their respective continents and beyond, and were both runners-up in high-profile singing competitions -- so bringing up the comparison isn't shocking. And even if, like me, you have no problem with SuBo, giggling at her take on the Rolling Stones' "Wild Horses" is hardly out-of-the-box thinking.
Today's flurry sounds suspiciously like widely repeated reports of Adam putting "one of his own fans on blast" for talking on a cellphone during his performance (If what Adam actually said was an attack, a lot of what's on the Ministry probably violates Geneva Conventions). Despite the American Music Awards uproar, Lambert has a track record of good manners and general decency toward others. So of course the search is on for the story or headline that "reveals" some heretofore unseen mean and nasty "real Adam" lurking under the surface.
"Adam's not really shocking at all" doesn't drive Internet traffic like "Adam's picking on poor sweet Susan Boyle" does.
Context, people. It's all about the context. Call me when there's video of Adam clubbing a baby seal, and then maybe I'll believe he's a jerk.
-- Christie D'Zurilla
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Adam isn't hurting anyone, the majority of the media is hell bent on hurting Adam. It's a mystery to me why they do that.
At least this article is better than the other ones that I have read. They're making Adam out to be a devil.
I think Adam shouldn't have said that. But he's very honest.
I hope Adam personally apologizes to Susan when he's in the UK.
Love Adam, He is Honest and Wild Horses IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!
Sounds like something Neil would say. lol
"I hope Adam personally apologizes to Susan when he's in the UK."
Adam doesn't need to apologize. He said the truth. If Susan finds that hurtful, then she's going to understand the nature of the industry. People are going to say WORST than that. Actually, many have already said meaner things to her.
I wonder why the media made this into a big deal?
As much as I love Adam, I thought the comment was harsh and mocking (whether it was true or not; personally I loved her take on "wild horses" and even one of the stones said it was really good (haunting). I think Adam can be honest without coming across mean-spirited. I think this will hurt him in the long run.
Yes, freedom does include ignoring professional courtesy.
SuBo is a boring self-serving lady who could not take even one bit of pressure because of her insulated life. She was dry and aloof on the Oprah show and made no effort to reciprocate Oprah's hug. And she has little talent. Does this mean she's a bad person. Of course not. All of us love her Cinderella story and hope the best for her. But her album is terrible. I can say this. Should Adam have said this? Probably not, but he is being true to his honest open nature by expressing his opinion. He'll learn to lose that refreshing honesty in no time. Just wait. Give him a few months, and we'll find an Adam who has trained himself to give "show business speak." It's inoffensive, total BS, uninteresting and totally non-controversial. This is what we and press do to our people in the public arena. All he did was express an opinion...his opinion...and now the press is latching on and wants to crucify him for it. Geeeeze...lousy world when press dwells on that rather the the really important news.
Rereading the article - and this impartial, levelheaded article - I realized a couple things:
• did he ever specify what he hates about the album? It could have been the arrangement instead of the singing.
• the wording. It doesn't sound like Adam. Not personality wise, but phrasing. Since when has Adam said horrendous or Sacr-whatever? It just doesn't sound like something he'd say.
Also someone brought this up on the comments who was more familiar with the writer of the article (that misquoted Adam): apparently this writer strongly disliked SuBos album and wrote many things similar to what Adam said. I'm not sure I'd this is true, but if it is then the writer obviously took a lot of creative liscence in quoting Adam
~ Emmaline ~
Some people will do anything to destroy Adam's career. Brooke Anderson from Showbiz Tonight acts like she hates Adam. She slams him every chance she gets. I can't believe all this uproar over a funny remark. Give the guy a break for God's sake.
Any one can write any thing. I don't think Adam actually said this, at least in the way it's portrayed. This person that was doing the interviewing just wanted headlines for themself. This doesn't sound like Adam at all. I don't think it's in Adam's character to say this and it's not good for business and Adam is a business man. I wonder if this interview was taped and not in writing we would hear something very different. Just my opinion.
I agree with you MiMi. I can't stand Showbiz Tonight anymore. They always have to blow up something to make Adam look bad, and 99.9% of what they say isn't even true. I am tired of them trying to ruin Adam's career. They need to keep their ignorant mouths shut!
i cannot understand why adam's fellow gay would like to ruin him. hey sister! love your own kind eh! maybe gays in england have different blood (black maybe?)
Adam's not shy about his opinions, but never mean about them. It's doubtful that he chose those particular words... I smell misquote big time.
I think we can appreciate many kinds of music. I own FYE, but I also own Susan Boyle's album. I heard it as background music at Barnes & Noble and had to have it. It is very soothing and her voice is magnificent. Appreciating that does not take anything away from Adam and FYE. I know that Adam likes and listens to all kinds of music, and I cannot believe that he would "dis" another successful artist.
If Adam, really didn't say those things, he should speak up...clear it up...if he did make those commenets it was very mean spirited. Which is it?
You people are so disgusting!
it's like you've never made a critical remark about anybody in your life! Look at yourself before you throw the stones! I hope he doesn't let this get to him- I love him for voicing his opinion. And I actually LIKE Susan Boyle. He's not dissing anybody- he's just saying his opinion. I hate american society- it should really lighten up.
Poland Loves Adam
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