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Adam Lambert on Access Hollywood 2.24.10

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

Good for you Adam. You always know what to say. I am sure Jonny is happy to have you pave the way.
You are an ICON> you will go down in the History books.

Love you so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you Adam. You are the sweetest person ever! You are always fantastic whenever you are talking or singing. I love watching every interview you do. I also love all of you music, and can't wait to hear more. I know you will always have great success because of the talent you have. I hope you never quit singing.

Anonymous said...

thank you access hollywood!!


Anonymous said...

Good job Hollywood Access!!! Adam you keep pushing that envelop!!

Anonymous said...

good coverage, positive info! thanks access hollywood!

we can vote for adam on vh1 top 20 countdown!