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Adam Lambert on EXTRA Tomorrow with Possible Breaking News?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 10, 2010

These are tweets from Joe Fusco, senior producer, at Extra.

you guys gotta watch adam lambert on our show tomorrow night (extra!)
17 minutes ago from web

@adamlambert breaks some news tomorrow on EXTRA!
3 minutes ago from web

Credit: AdamIsMyIdol2


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow? February 1oth?

I have my TEVO ready.

Anonymous said...

I just love your site
Thank you for it. It so easy to read and so up to date

Anonymous said...

What channel is extra on? I mean network.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

extra is channel 4 which is NBC

Anonymous said...

When is this going to air????Feb.11th????? It was not on today!!!!

RocaBiBaby said...

On the east extra is on ABC

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's on today, the 11th.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. What is the surprise?????

Love Adam!!!!