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Adam Lambert - Rude Cell Phone Talker

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 15, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 15, 2010


Anonymous said...

My very favorite Adam moment!! Wouldn't you like to do this to those idiots on the cells who pull out in traffic without even looking?

Anonymous said...

This was a very small, intimate group listening to ACOUSTIC versions of his songs! Not a big stadium with loud speakers, etc. These were also supposed to be Adam 'fans' who were given the 'privilege' of being there for this intimate session. How RUDE! And how gracious he was about it ... I'm afraid I just couldn't have been that nice to her. But it's Adam - he's just so kind and considerate. Just more reason to love him!

Anonymous said...

Was the person with the cell phone calling someone to listen in? It happens all the concerts, sporting events, etc.

Anonymous said...

Here is a clip of a longer version

Anonymous said...

I heard Adam gave an interview for Nightline. Does anyone know if and when it will be televised?
Regarding the clip above, I've seen one where he says something to the girl on the phone about Dominoes. But it's not in this video. They're about the same time length though.

Anonymous said...

you can actually hear her talking!! the other clip is at iheartradio's good too!

Anonymous said...

I was there last night, the best part was when he told the one girl in the audience to turn off her cell phone lol. "This is a live show not tv s" check it out:

He rules!!!

adamsdelicious said...

I heard the actual girl on Y100 this morning. She was calling her VERY sick grandmother, who is also an Adam fan, so she could hear the concert over the phone. She said Adam was very nice & funny about the whole thing. He wasn't being cocky or rude or 'diva-like'....Too bad she didn't tell him why she was dialing, I am sure he would've been touched....

Anonymous said...

If you listen close, was that the girl laughing after Adam ask her to get off the phone? If so, what a loser.