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A Girl was talking on her cellphone during Adam's performance

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 15, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 15, 2010

And Adam had to stop in the middle of his performance to tell her to be quiet.

Apparently, Adam said this to the girl:

"This ain't Dominos...its a live show honey".

Here is the original tweet.

OMG! @adamlambert just stopped in the middle of his song to tell this girl to stop talking on her phone. "This ain't Dominos...its a live show honey".


Anonymous said...

Good for him. It's VERY dissrespctful and annoying!!! He puts SO much in every song, the least they can do is NOT interapt.
It's a SHAME that they don't GET IT!!
There is time and place for talking on the phone.


Anonymous said...

She should have texted. Who would want to talk on the phone while Adam's performing? I mean, if i were there, i wouldn't keep my eyes off of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Exactly anon#2! Is there a video of it?

MiMi said...

Talking during Adam's performance is a mortal sin!! I find all people who talk loudly on their cell phones in public annoying. But during a performance it is so disrespectful--and adorable Adam is always so funny and never mean even when he is correcting her.

Anonymous said...

If you listen to the video of the above, Adam didn't say anything like the reported comment.