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Adam Lambert schedule to perform on The Jay Leno Show on 3/2/10!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010

According to Adam's official website, Adam will appear on Jay Leno's Show for the second time this year on March 2nd, 2010! The Jay Leno Show is on NBC! And Adam will perform "MUSIC AGAIN"! I am almost convinced that it is the third single. But we'll see. I am still holding my breath out for "If I Had You" as the third single.

If you missed Adam's previous appearance on Jay Leno's Show, watch it below!


Anonymous said...

AO moderator said they have not decided on the next single yet because WYWFM has another month or two for radio play left in it.

Anonymous said...

"Everybody's entitled to their opinion." OK, so my opinion is Adam, you're the best there ever was. You look like you smell wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I agree. If I Had You has been my favorite since 1st listening to his album. However, I do like ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the info about the Jay Leno show.

Anonymous said...

TV guide reported that Leno's viewers increased by over 1 million the last time he had Adam on. Think that may be why Adm is on again so soon ???

Anonymous said...

Adam is the Perfect guest. He is a gorgeous man, he is intelligent, he makes good coversation, he is witty as hell, and then he can perform a song that will knock your socks off. Pefect, just perfect, cause I will be glued to my TV watching him.

Anonymous said...

...I agree with above....Leno back on Tonight..which is really great look who they get to get the ratings ball rolling...Adam WOW!

donnaw said...

I can't wait!! And i agree, i like Music Again but i LOVE If I Had You!!!!

Anonymous said...

Last time he was on, there seemed to be a comfortable rapport between Jay and Adam. Jay genuinely seemed to like Adam and enjoy the conversation. So, why the heck not? It's good business for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Watched that interview again. Adam was so incredibly cool. His hands were shaking, and I'm sure he was a wreck, but he handled everything beautifully. Great guest and just plain fun.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that Jay reached over to touch Adam a couple of times, including patting his knee? Have you also noticed that people just want to touch Adam? We feel the vibes watching him sing, so being near him must make people crazy to touch him!

Anonymous said...

Jay has been struggling for viewers. His viewership have been dropping so much. So I hope Adam can help him have an "up" day.

Anonymous said...

This is The Tonight Show back at 11:30pm. Jay knows who brings in the viewers and he could not be so right in picking ADAM on first week of his show. Genius, Jay! Fans will all be watching ADAM.

MiMi said...

So Adorable. I can't wait to see Adam on TV again.