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Adam Lambert was paid $300,000 for "For Your Entertainment"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Mr. Allen, last year’s winner, earned an advance of $350,000 for his first album, exclusive of recording costs, half of it paid soon after the competition ended and half when he finished recording. His self-titled first album sold 80,000 copies in its first week of release last fall — disappointing for an “Idol” winner — and 260,000 in its first three months, according to Mr. Allen’s Web site,"

"The winner is not the only contestant who earns after the show. Last year the runner-up — Adam Lambert, whose first-week album sales were more than double those of Mr. Allen — earned $300,000 in advance royalties for his album, a $75,000 merchandising contract and $50,000 in fees from Disney World for the Idol Experience attraction."



Anonymous said...

When you think about it 425,000$ its not that much.. Especially when you're living the life of a rockstar.. I hope he's saving some money!

Anonymous said...

This is not including all his modeling and photo shoots in magazines. What he is paid from television appearances and interviews with Radio Stations. I'm sure he is doing indorsements and advertising. I heard he was paid $100,000 for the American Idol Tour alone. The guys is making the bucks!!

Anonymous said...

yes, the way adam dresses up, it could be costly and hope he saves for rainy days.

Anonymous said...

See the word 'advance?' It means that Adam will be getting royalties from his album and record sales as well.

Anonymous said...

In one of his Canadian interviews Adam alluded to several side projects that paid handsomely. He is doing fine.

Anonymous said...

Adam mentioned recently that he's not paid for photo shoots.

Anonymous said...

They do have to pay, out of the advance ,for many of the costs.. like the band,security,stylists,and anyone else who helps them to become successful.Adam said that he was doing a number of concerts inorder to pay the band.. Not that much money when you consider all the costs.

Lois said...

I am so glad his dream has come true, I think he really deserves it, plus he does a lot for the kids.

MiMi said...

With all the money American Idol makes off those kids singing their hearts out, I would think they could have paid them much more. I mean, Gee, Ryan Seacrest makes millions for hosting?

Anonymous said...

I think all Idol contestants should employ and independent financial person/ lawyer— when contracting with an entity with the size, scope and resources of American Idol. It could be in Adam’s best interest to have a meeting with an *independent* contract lawyer about the terms of his current agreement—just a “look-see” to see if there some way he could leverage some of his unique appeal to get a more favorable interpretation of some of the terms- everybody is still friends. Adam is doing a great job of showcasing his other skills in terms of acting, image control, humor, hosting, fashion knowledge and his overall persona—he really has a lot of natural star power. Some might suggest that Adam’s uniqueness has helped to broaden the appeal of the Idol brand. I really didn’t know that much about Idol before Adam and I’ve learn more about the other talent due to my interest in him. I can’t help to think of Fantasia(she has a new reality show) and she’s fared after winning American Idol and how American Idol has fared after she won American Idol.

Anonymous said...

Look there are the officials covers and dates for Germany !

Nice blog I read it every day!

Anonymous said...

ADAM has to pay the band, security, stylist, etc. out of his advance money? I assumed the advance money was his to keep, and that 19 paid the band, etc.

Anonymous said...

we can vote for adam on the vh1 top 20 countdown!! vote away mateys!!

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam should have been paid a lot more for his CD. I am kind of shocked. I thought they got a million or more for a recording contract. I hope he isn't getting ripped off!