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Adam Lambert WOULD have sex with a Woman

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 27, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 27, 2010

"I am a pretty open-minded person and I WOULD have sex with a woman. Although I am not sure about a relationship, anything is possible because I am really comfortable with sexuality generally."

-Adam Lambert

Read the complete interview over at NewsofTheWorld


Anonymous said...

Oh Adam. You're so talkative! lol.

I wonder if he means it? I know some gay guys who WOULD never have sex with women.

Anonymous said...

Adam, does the line form to the left? I can bring vodka !!!

Anonymous said...

how about you start the line from the left anon 2 and I will start the line on the right. I can bring the Martini's

Unknown said...

I'm not surprised...he really strikes me as the type of person who doesn't want to fall into the labels of sexuality at all.

But of course him saying all of this is going to push buttons once again ;) Which makes me adore him that much more.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. I don't know what to say I thought he embraced his sexuality and when asked in many interviews if he would ever look at a woman like that his response was probably not.

Anonymous said...

Adam, get it over with, honey! I'm certain you've had offers, so just do it. You're a thrill junkie is what you are. Your "curiosity" is killing me! Be responsible, please, and for crying out loud don't talk about it to the press afterwards!

Anonymous said...

It's just publicity talk. I'm gay and I would have to force myself to sleep with a woman. And all my gay friends agree. He just wants to give hope to his girl fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam lived in the underground bubble of gay men in West Hollywood for many years. I suspect that women factored very little in that environment. But his life has changed so much in the past year, he has met so many new people, both male and female, (gorgeous females !) with many different types of sexuality and who provide many new temptations. He openly states that a lot of women hit on him. WUT!!!! Hard to believe, huh. I would be really surprised if his curiosity has not been peaked.

Anonymous said...

These comments about girl fans hoping to sleep with Adam amuse me immensely. I know Adam is a gay man, so, no, I don,t ever have a chance to sleep with him, but Brad Pitt is a straight man, and I know I don,t have a chance to sleep with him either! There is no difference, (except Adam is about 100% more sexy than Brad Pitt). As Adam says, its all fantasy, people. Let us have our fun.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam's had sex with women before!

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl and I've never been tempted to kiss a girl. I'm adventuous enough, but it seems like not a pleasant adventure to me. It sounds like the biggest turn-off. The fact that he enjoys making out with girls from time to time and has from time to time, even before his fame, makes me believe that he's more than a little bi-curious. He seems just a little bi to me. I just couldn't start making out with a girl just because she's pretty. Gross.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you man-whore!LOL....I just LOVE YOU!

coloforadam said...

I just hope he finds someone who brings all the passion, care and joy he will need in the crazy life of fame he has chosen, be it man or woman .... who cares. Personally, I have been totally blown away at the eroticism of pictures of Adam with his guy lovers. Never thought that would happen but I kind of hope he stays openly turned on by men .... it is HAWT because it so natural to him and he makes no excuses for it.

Anonymous said...

I know many gay guys who were married to wmen for years, they even had kids with them, Jim MCGreevy former governor for New Jersey, than we have Anne Heche who was married to a woman and a man, it can be done, especialy Adam who never had sex with woman, I'm sure he's curious and once he does it he will fall in love with woman as well as man.

Anonymous said...

adam choose your topics and wordings sweetie. stick with your gun, make up your mind you are confusing us. don't get carried away with some interviews or you'll pay for it. take it from me.

li said...

adam, why are you so preoccupied in talking about sex or your sexuality? talk about music where you are good at. we don't want to hear about your sex life, we disregarded that before liking you but please don't bounce it back.

Anonymous said...

adam, don't you like to capture conservative fanbase? if so, please don't bring this topic again.

Anonymous said...

Adam, go for it and have fun... In life the sky is the limit! Play with your sexuality all you want. That's what it's for. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Why choose? Why not just live. Adam is a free spirit and that is a really nice draw. Love his open support for Johnny Weir. It is so couragous to support someone with all that talent and controversy. Very bold stand for Adam.