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Almost-Shirtless Adam !!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 11, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 11, 2010


Anonymous said...

OMG what a hottie!!!! That chest is yummy!

Anonymous said...

so sexy

Anonymous said...

I swear, I think he is getting hotter -- if that's possible.
- Sandyra

Anonymous said...

I know he loves to dress up in designer clothes, but I like to see him DRESSED DOWN like this. He has a great body. I'am sure everyone has seen him performing "Crazy" at Arts For Life Benefit on You Tube. PS - Everybody please vote for What do You Want from me on Musiqtone. Tokio Hotel has an entire country voting for him. Adam has US--He won last round, and FYE came in #3!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I agree, Adam looks so incredibly hot dressed down! But what really cracks me up is Tommy.....he's wearing the black nail polish while Adam's nails are on vacation....& naked!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

sooo, Adam got dressed in the dark

Anonymous said...

adam won that poll for sexiest male artist.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful!!! Tommy ..... not so much.

Anonymous said...

So is Tommy gay now?

Anonymous said...

asdlgjhsfdlkjghslkdfjghlksfdjhg. *thud*

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Adam show more skin? Can't he see how hot he really is? It almost makes me sad how self-conscience he is. Stop Adam show more skin it'll bring about world peace I say! Ok sorry finished flailing. Also:


Anonymous said...

He is pretty self-conscious. I guess he doesn't want to flaunt (Whoa...*pant,pant*) his body. He doesn't seem to mind showing off the gorgeous clothes he wears. Looking at him is such a treat for my eyes. He is THE most beautiful man on the planet, with or without clothes. More skin would be nice, though.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys think he's self conscious of his freckles? I have some friends who are ashamed of their body freckles.

Anonymous said...

They make a nice couple. Hard to believe Tommy is straight. My gaydar says otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Pant, pant. Thud.

Anonymous said...

wow adam!! colors your friend:) you should dress like this more often:) i love the shorts or bathing suite, whatever it is you look HOTT!!! i love the clean fresh look too.

Anonymous said...

i was thinking about this the other day, i really LOVE adam's everyday casual look and just a little makeup. But don't get me wrong i think adam looks gorgeous too with the glitter and stuff and i know he likes if he's down with it then so am i. but when he was on idol we were able to see more of his casual look and now every time we see him its for like fancy attire, unless an interview or something. but i would love to see him just go kind of natural maybe for an interview or an award show or something. of course have a little eyeliner:)

MiMi said...

WHAT A HUNK!!! When are we going to see photos of him modeling swim wear? Especially bikini briefs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does sound as though he's a bit self-concious except when performing. What a beautiful chest and shoulders. Really loved the way he moved his shoulders on the Idol tour when he was wearing the vest - so damn sexy. And, what Glambert doesn't like the Crawl Through Fire vid - WHOA! - takes the coat off and there's gold wrapped around his waist. Never get tired of looking.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is straight??? Give me a break!
Yeah right, Bill Kaulitz is straight too. "Laugh Out Loud"!!

Anonymous said...

"Do you guys think he's self conscious of his freckles? I have some friends who are ashamed of their body freckles."

to answer your question, id ont think its the freckles. you know how he lets put this in a nice way....heavy set we'll say, and kinda an ugly duckling (his words!!! not mine!! he was always beautiful!!, but even though he is so gorgeous now, he still may have self soncious issues. like in the RS mag, he said he didnt feel sexy ever, but now he sees "someone who can do something really cool". notice he didnt say he thinks he is beautiful now, but just talented. so yeah, i think someone needs to help him raise his self esteem enough where he will be shirtless....or a bathing suit....or underwear model. :DDDDD maybe in playgirl ;DDD idk

coloforadam said...

I would "Crawl Through Fire" to see more of the adamazing bod!! He is keeping us PANTING!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought that maybe they were just friends since Tommy is part of the band...I enjoy seeing Adam relax and have a personal life because we all know for sure that he going to the top. I hope he can keep his personal life as personal as he wants it. He is such a doll and a smart one at that...has a head on his shoulders.