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Another Picture from the Birthday Party

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 8, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 08, 2010


Anonymous said...

I already posted about this to Emmaline, (I never could tell if you got it - did you see it Emmaline?) but to tide us all over until Adam gets back from vacation, I highly recommend a book I know Adam loves, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne.

Also, the more I listen to Adam's interviews, the more it sounds like he must be a fan of the book that is the source of Rhonda Byrne's info, Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I love that one even more and highly recommend reading it over and over + doing the practices they recommend. It is so encouraging and uplifting that I read from it every day.


Anonymous said...

P.S. Since I never saw it posted on this site, here is the link for the PROUD interview with Adam - to help tide us all over for now:

I also never saw part 2 of the Slice interview (Adam wearing a jacket with a black "fur" collar) on this site, and it's good! So here is the link for it too:

(Can you tell I miss him?)


Anonymous said...

Such a cutie to Adam's right (in the white t-shirt). Does anyone know who he is?

Anonymous said...

P.S. Again:
I just found this link to several pages of interview videos with Adam, in case you missed any of them:


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sweetie! I never saw that Proud Interview. Loved that interview <3

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if Adam has any religious beliefs? Isn't his mother Jewish?

Anonymous said...

From the interviews I've read and heard, he's not religious, even though he says he is Jewish. But he sounds like he's very into metaphysics, astrology, and other New Age-type spirituality.

Administradora Chicas HOT said...

heyy do u know today are reheased more bday pics and i have it i dont know if u want the pics u can go to my blog and copy that and u put that on ur blog too if u want i have a lots of new adams bday pics so...
thats all..and great job i like ur blog :)

take care ahhaha such a cute man bye