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Chris Daughtry a fan of "WWFM"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 15, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 15, 2010

Chris tweeted Adam earlier tonight and said he loves his new single!

CHRIS_Daughtry: @adamlambert Lovin the new single bro!!

So nice of Chris to support his fellow American Idol alumni.


Anonymous said...

First off....Chris Daughtry is a hot bitch!

He seems to be a big fan of Adam! He also tweeted about the FYE single just a few days after Adam premiered it on Ryan Seacrest's radio show.

He said he and his band were bumping FYE on their tour bus!

I wouldn't mind if Adam worked with Daughtry!

Anonymous said...

i thought he prepare kris allen-he said that then hw support allen . i heard him saying that.
now he likes adam single?so that adams fans will buy daughtry record????

lily said...

wow! i saw daughtry's interview before the AI final favouring kris allen over adam. what made him changed his mind, i don't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

As I know before the AI finale, when asked, Daughtry was sort of dissing Adam and made a statement he likes Kris when he could have chosen to go the high ground like David Cook did "that America could not get it wrong whoever". I had more respect for David after that and lost all respect for Daughtry. Daughtry collaborated with Kris' album as i've read.
For Daughtry to do this now, of course, Adam's fans have to go deeper for any hidden agenda if at all sincere. But I give him benefit of a doubt and so, thanks Daughtry for acknowledging.
I also give respect for Constantine who during the AI8 season, he said he's rooting for Adam because Adam is a rocker like himself. This is the same reaction I was expecting from Daughtry but he chose rather to be dismissive.
Anyway, thanks for now, Chris.

Anonymous said...

I too agree. I don't like chris , he said that he likes kris better. He is not hot and I don't like him or his music.
Love love Adam.

Anonymous said...

let's do out part and vote for adam on vh1 top 20 countdown!

Anonymous said...

YeS! I agree. Let's use this energy to KEEP adam on the TOP in the nusic industry. HE SO desrves THIS!!! NOW!!!

Don't forget to keep buiyng FYE as GIFTS!!! I just gave one to my sister and she dosn't STOP humming the songs. She is 62.

Anonymous said...

Chris WHO? Oh, the one with the C. Don't like them both. Not with the C and NOt with the K. Sorry!!

I have all my love and admiration to the ONE AND ONLY: Drum roll PLZ,,,, Adam Lambert!!

LOve him.