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From Mike Ruiz Photoshoot!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 15, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 15, 2010

mikeruiz1 Me and Adam from out shoot yesterday. He is the coolest guy I've worked with in a long time, hysterical sense of humor!

Mike Ruiz is a photographer and director. He is in New York and here's his websites:


Anonymous said...

Adam's hair is...........

like I've not seen before

Anonymous said...

UUUH, this looks like something a little different. Can't imagine what this shoot will be for.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to make of Adam's get-up! Is it retro, nerd, whaaaaat??? Should be interesting.

kagome said...

hoh wow...his hair is amazing, and everything else's perfect!

Anonymous said...

This is going to be HOT!

Anonymous said...

Love the color red for a change but not a fan of the color of the shirt or the color of the tie. Love shirt and skinny tie for Adam. Thanks for the pic though.

Anonymous said...

Beaver's pretty neighbor!

What a delight it must be to work with Adam!

Anonymous said...

Some twitter peeps were saying this is a Rudolph Valentino look. So - very retro/old school look. Can't wait to see all the finished product!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's hot but the other older man is HOTTTT too!

Anonymous said...

theater god! he could do just about anything and it would be cool. if u see something u r not sure about whether u like it or not. just try to laugh and enjoy the novelty of it all.

Anonymous said...

I like that he changes up his style in every photoshoot. It makes it for a fresh start and interesting for the fans! Love being an Adam fan!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 9:42AM, yes, some people are negative and critical - just laugh and enjoy or don't write them here.

Thank you for the updates! Can't wait for more of Anything-Adam.

member, Adamholics Anonymous

Anonymous said...

well, you got our attention..can't wait for whatever is about to happen. It's great to be a fan of Adam Lambert. Never a dull moment.

Anonymous said...

Way to change it up, Adam! You look stunning! And let me just add, in this day and age where image is often more important than stubstance, Adam is the bravest celebrity in the biz! The man is truly a chameleon.

Unknown said...

I think he is going to play the nerd in GREASE. That is just my take, so don't spread a rumor. If you stare long enough you can love it. After all it is ADAM.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me how gorgouse adam is. He is a walking piece of art. Love his expression in this photo. He is just sooo beautiful.

Anonymous said...

"I think he is going to play the nerd in GREASE. That is just my take, so don't spread a rumor. If you stare long enough you can love it. After all it is ADAM."

OMG you are so right. I hope he does consider acting in the future. He'll be amazing in them.


MiMi said...

Adam always surprises us! He said he would at his AI audition. You go Adam, you are one of a kind, and always beautiful.

donnaw said...

You're right!!! Its NEVER a dull moment being an "Adamholic"!!! Thats one of the reasons we love him so much!! (but i'm not a fan of this latest look!) .....but thats ok, i love him anyhow!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Mike Ruiz is able to take better pics than this one he served up to us.

Anonymous said...

Mike Ruiz is a hunk and he takes great photos. Go to and check out his work. AMAZING.


Sealily said...

Adam is like a canvas! It is always interesting to see how he is photographed. One day maybe Annie Leboweitz (sp?) will shoot him!!!

Super Sachiko said...


Anonymous said...

Whatever he's got going on in this picture, I love it! Not that I like this look...I just like that he's such a chameleon, and isn't afraid to experiment with his "look".

Anonymous said...

Don't like this photo, but the stuff on Mike R.'s web site of celebrities is beautiful and very unusual. I assume he will make Adam look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What jacket, shirt and tie? I can never get past that gorgeous face!!!!!!!!!