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Interview with 89-year-old Adam Lambert fan Isabel

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 | Thanks to Internet donations, Adam Lambert fan Isabel Paquette will be able to see the singer at his Fantasy Springs Resort Casino concert in California on Feb. 27.


Lois said...

Isabel I feel the same way and I will be 70 March 17th. I adore this man, I think he is an icon, very talented in his singing and presentations, I listen to his CD all the time, have seen him all over from my computer, just lv to watch him intertain.

Anonymous said...

People of all ages love Adam Lambert the same way people of all ages loved Elvis. To me, Adam is the new King! Actually I like Adam way more than Elvis. I think he is a better singer, and much better looking. I think he also has a nicer personality. He has such a good sense of humor, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - what a touching story! I love Isabel, she is so sweet. I'm sure Adam knows about her, right...? I hope she gets to meet him in person! So cute.

Anonymous said...

We need to be careful comparing Elvis and Adam. I am sure Adam has much respect for Elvis and I am sure Elvis would have that same respect for Adam. Elvis was very congenial and loved by all ages. Did you ever see and watch him in person?
They are two separate individuals doing their own thing and that is a good thing. I love Adam too, but also love Elvis. Let's look at them as individuals and not compare.