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Kris Allen Knew Adam Lambert's Single Would Be A Hit

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Kris Allen joins Ryan radio show to talk about his friendship with Adam Lambert and winning American Idol while in the first year of marriage.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Kris. Glad he is talking about him and Adam still friends. Yeah? :)

Anonymous said...

Kris is a great guy and a good friend. Wish the fans would stop the KA vs AL stuff.

Anonymous said...

Nice guy. I'm glad he and Adam are friends; wish their fans could be.

Anonymous said...

Kris is a sweet, humble, open minded guy. But he's certainly not as compelling an interview as ADAM! I mean no disrespect to Kris, by saying's just that Adam's interviews are so fresh and interesting to listen to, every time, even though he's usually being asked the same 5 stupid questions!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I like how he talks about Adam and even does an "Adam's voice" in there when talking about WWFM.

Anonymous said...

he's a turd

Anonymous said...

Kris is getting a lot more relaxed at these interviews. At first he seemed kinda awkward and shy but now he's an old pro :)

Anonymous said...

Kris is a doll- not as hot as Adam or half as talented but I still think he's a sweet-heart!