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More Pictures From Fantasy Springs!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 28, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 28, 2010


Anonymous said...

adam's hair innovation is always cool.

Anonymous said...

He knows Fashion. This boy. So hot.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam just as much as anyone, but I do think he needs help
with his choreography. His dance moves are very limited. His Fantasy Springs Show was great, but if he wants to go big and compete with the big girls he needs more help from RCA or who ever can get him the resources to create a better stage show. I know he will get there, but he needs it NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't understand anony 305. Adam is not a dancer. He is a singer. One question to 305? Were you there? That would make a difference if you saw something the rest of us didn't. What I saw on the video clips was great. But like everything else, Adam would be open to new moves.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a BEAUTIFUL man.

that said, IMO - I agree with anon 305. he needs help with his moves. You're right too, anon 3:08, he's not a dancer

Anonymous said...

anon 3:05 -

You've got to be out of your ever lovin mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need all the hupla on the stage...His voice is so mesmerizing there needs not be ANYTHING to distract from it! He does quiet well when the song calls for his sexy moves!

Anonymous said...

Let me understand this. Adam doesn't have the dance moves of some of the greatest rockers like Jagger, Tyler, Plant, Bellamy and Elvis had? Did I get this right?

He wants to surround himself with dancers, not compete with them. Also, have you ever seen a man move as sexily as he does? Get a clue!

Anonymous said...

I think he is afraid to make inappropriate moves after AMA. Anyone who saw him dance during the idol tour would not say he needs help with his moves

Anonymous said...

BB, shake your lovely ass all the time as you want in the way as you want!!!!, love you.

Anonymous said...

but he did say he got advice and help for his dance moves during AI

Anonymous said...

Think you all have a problem.....watched and listened to all the vids and he sounded wonderful and moved just fine!!! What do you mean he needs help with his moves?? Looked great to me............stop being so picky people.......he has been performing on stage for many many years now. He is stage savvy!

Anonymous said...

He's so gorgeous it just messes with my mind

Anonymous said...

Personally, all Adam has to do is just stand on
stage and let me stare at him. His voice and
stage presence are so intense, if he starts dancing as he did during the Idol tour, I will
not be responsible for my actions. OMG, OMG, OMG,

Anonymous said...

I don't want ANYBODY messing with the sexy moves Adam does naturally. As far as I'm concerned, they are beyond perfect just the way they are.

Anonymous said...

I was there, and Adam's performance was perfection at its best. He sang all 12 songs, interpreting each one with HIS moves. He danced with that entertaining quality he owns and sang each song beautifully. He didn't need to try to out dance "the girls". His showmanship is amazing and ALWAYS ENTERTAINING!!!