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Special concert from Adam in NYC! Taped for VH1, February 13

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Credit: Crazyadamfan09


Anonymous said...

I wo=ish I was in NY. This sounds GREAT!!!
Have fun , if you go. Will wait to see it here.
Tomorrow, EXTRA!!

Anonymous said...

I saw the original post and someone was upset about the photo requirement and at first blush I can understand why but I think they may want to mix up the demographic so they don't get all one group, (ie: all older,like me). It could be a security thing as well???

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam, Allison and Kris will be in New York! The blizard has shut down the aiport and many roads! They may have to postpone. We have 2 people going from our blog. Won tickets!

Anonymous said...

wow, so jealous of those who are going! hope we get to see the video here really soon!

Anonymous said...

man i wanna go, but im not 18 yet. so dissapointed

Lois Mullin said...

If VH1 is taping a concert, will it be shown at a later date on VH1 for us to see that live in say the midwest?