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Vacation Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Anonymous said...

where did you get these pictures from!? i wonder if adam knows we're checkin him out on his vaca;p it does kind of suck that we get to see so much of his personal life... but the bunch look like really fun people! i hope he had a blast! tommy is so adorable hyhyhy

Anonymous said...

i love the picks with the green shirt! he is so hot. unbelievable. although he's a star now he seems really down to earth. he deserves a nice vacation after all the hustle and bustle he's been through lately.
Poland loves ADam!

staygold said...

I think that Adam cannot take a bad picture. He is so SEXY!!!!!- I love the one of the group on the top of the boat.(Tommy w/parasol)reminds me of a vintage photo -"updated". I also like the group with the flippers on the beach.The one of Adam soaking up the sun(on top deck) is really special too.
Whoever released these (thanks). They seem like the publicist did because it is really a bit lonely without a lot of Adam news. This just looks like a great vacation(with good looking people)! thanks for sharing Adam!

Anonymous said...

Why do we need to 'go inside' Adam's vacation? I'm trying to think what other stars use their vacation for publicity.

The music is just a small part of this whole show.

Anonymous said...

It's strange because I love seeing these pictures (I was feeling a little Adam-deprived during his vaca), but I feel like he has no privacy. I hope he is okay with these pictures being leaked. I mean there is nothing torrid, just private.

wakethedead said...

Publicity is part of the process. It gets people interested in the "product".
In Adam's case it is his voice and ability to communicate visually AND vocally. Whether a few feel it may be intrusive-MANY are interested in seeing Adam anytime - anywhere. Adam can stand up and sing,but it IS his overall SEXINESS and ability to communicate a song that have fans wanting more and more and more......... love the pictures!!!!( post in reply to anonymous above)

Anonymous said...

Waittt. So now Tommy is gay?

Anonymous said...

I don't want his whole package. I want his singing.

Anonymous said...

Just the singing hmmmmmmm...then why are you looking(just sayin')

Anonymous said...

Is Tommy really straight? If so, he is definitely in touch with his feminine side.

Anonymous said...

If you want singing, quit searching the internet! If he does any song worth listening to, it will be available to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately these types of pictures show up for all celebrities. I hope Adam sanctioned showing us these as they are charming----just as long as we don't see him in People magazine under "which stars have freckles" or "Adam bares all in Cabo" or something equally silly.

Anonymous said...

geez, just be happy we have these pictures!
we missed him; it was so sad on the twitter-land when he was on vacation:-(( thanks, Adam or paps. keep them coming! these are good for Adam and his FANS! they are decent and fun -- not malicious!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where to find the true official rules for voting on VH1?

After @ 25 posts on this site about how we had to fill in the whole grid for it to count, I changed to filling in the whole grid. But now there are posts saying the opposite. What gives?

Anonymous said...

They were first on a twitter site-lambertlust, I just wonder who was there with them to take the pics?

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy holding Tommy in the first picture?

By the way, if I see another person close their post with "just sayin", I'll scream!

Sorry...I had to get that out.

Anonymous said...

The pictures were taken by the girl who was with them. She is a old friend of Adam's and was in the FYE video. She returned home and immediately posted 69 pictures on her facebook, not too bright! Her facebook is now dismantled, but of course, the horse is out of the barn. Adam should stick with girlfriends like Alisan and Danielle, who are duscreet and a lot smarter than this girl. I am sad he was denied a private vacation.

Anonymous said...

The guy holding Tommy is also a friend of Adam's, he was at the birthday party. The tall dark guy is Adam's makeup artist, Sutan, also at the party.
As Adam said, "am I to get noooooo privacy?" Guess not, BB.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone out there who really knows Adam and visits this site that can tell us if he's happy or not that these photos got released?

Anonymous said...

He's fine with it--they were on public on Eber's facebook. They're just holiday photos lol.

Anonymous said...

What's Drake doing there??? I thought they broke up? Did they get back together?

Anonymous said...

Some of theseare just begging for captions! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I understand that some people may feel this is intrusive to Adam's privacy but unfortunately it's part of his life now. It may have not been the smartest thing Roxy did but she probably did it unknowingly allowing these pictures to be public. But Adam isn't the only one, many celebreties have pictures taken of them not matter what they're doing. Again, part of the life. Adam, I believe, understands this.

Anonymous said...

That is not Drake. WUT ???? That is Sutan, check out the tats, for heavens sake. Where did the reference to Drake come from ????

If Adam is fine with the photos, why did Roxy close down both her Twitter, and her Facebook?
Adam's privacy has been violated many times by fans recently, but when a friend is so thoughtless, I would not blame him if he is furious.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its one thing for the paps to publicize their pictures, but when a friend who has been entrusted to come on the vacation posts photos on the internet, that is a whole other issue. Poor Adam.

Anonymous said...

Only ADAM can make a straight man gay! Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

These pictures are just ordinary vacation pictures. Nothing unusual going on. Over half of them were poses, so it's not like they were caught off guard. I think it's ok to see these now that his vacation is over. There's nothing personal here, just some friends having fun.

Anonymous said...

When you are that magnetic/talented everyone wants to see what you are doing whether it's on vacation or just walking down the sidewalk! But usually your friends don't publish personal photos of you on vacation.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is that if I saw him in his swimsuit walking down the beach, I'd just die!
- Sandyra