Adam Lambert at Sydney Mardi Gras: Even Gayer Than That Gay Kiss Thing
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Sunday, March 7, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, March 07, 2010

Adam Lambert performed at Sydney, Australia’s Gay Mardi Gras with a giant gold codpiece, glitter in his hair, a tight ass, and an entire team of homosexy dancers, crowning him the shiniest weirdo ever (and we say that with love). This is probably the gayest thing we’ve seen since Adam Lambert’s album cover, and the only context in which we are actually delighted by a bunch of half-naked guys sticking their cocks in our faces!
No but really; what’s consistently interesting about Adam (and Lady Gaga for that matter) is that just when you expect him to retreat from his homosexiness, he freaking throws on some black latex sexpants and gyrates while a dude in underpants and leather humps a gold statue. You know what I mean — how just when an out gay performer seems to have gotten REALLY gay, they’ll slow down a bit, wait for the tide to settle, try to stay balanced, don’t want to scare the kids… but apparently Adam doesn’t really give a f*ck and besides, this is how he’s used to performing, which is key. Realistically, Adam’s got a lot of people telling him what to do right now and someone said this was okay (which is a big choice to make in the YouTube era, when stars can’t go do gay performances for gay audiences and expect no one outside of the community to see it), which is a good sign w/r/t tolerance for homosexiness. The reaction to his AMA kiss was, of course, a bad sign. So now we’re even. (Also, he’s been dancing like this for years, babies, like before American Idol.)
That being said, those weren’t Adam’s dancers, they were the Mardi Gras dancers. It’s like Iron Chef Australia and the dancers are the main ingredient!
Also, he’s going to be doing a VH1 Unplugged on March 10th.
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To the writer of this article: What is YOUR problem??? I'm straight, old and kind of prudish and I thought Adam's Sydney performance and costume were kind of mild...and tasteful! I'm from the era of Rod Stewart, Queen and the Russian Ballet and nobody got all critical and intolerant about their "sexiness." You just don't like Adam's presentation because his is "HOMO-sexiness" (cute word -- I laughed like hell). Plus, it is definitely milder than all the "titties-hanging-out" and "V" shots of undulating women we are seeing these days. Even Sodom and Gomorrah featured equal opportunity. So, writer, don't make "gay performances" your target of criticism when their performances merely reflect our social values in general.
@Anon 11:58 loved your response to that writer of that article and I agree with you 100%! It seems the media are making more out of what Adam does than his peers. Hell this was a concert for the gay communitity wasn't it? If I am wrong about that it doesn't matter because Adam did fantastic for anyone, gay or straight. I do believe his straight fans seem more okay with the AMA thing and this concert than his gay fans. I say this because I have 2 gay friends and while they adore Adam they do think he goes overboard on the gay thing. I look at them and say WHAT???? Really???? OMG. To each thier own I guess. Love you Adam in every shape and form!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Is there something wrong with my interpretation of the tone of this article? I thought it was a positive review. You go, Adam!!
@anon 1:01, I guess you have to read between the lines. While it appears positive it has its snarly twist to it. I guess everyone has thier own interpretation of it.
Peace out.
Okay, doing some guessing here that based on the source of this article I think there were some “in-group privileges” versus actually snarkiness going on here by the writer. If you look at the tone of the other articles featured here-- it is a gay site.
I don't usually respond to comments like this, but WTF?????
That was a GAY (I presume) woman, writing an article about a GAY man performing at a GAY PRIDE event, on a GAY website, with a record for being very pro-Adam. On that site GAY=GOOD, she very clearly loves Adam, and his "HomoSexiness" and it is a 100% positive article. If you've interpreted it as anything different, then PLEASE, go back and read it again, and think about the context before posting a knee-jerk reaction. The Lesbians are NOT your enemy! There are plenty of bad articles and comments on mainstream websites that need to be addressed, why are you complaining about the POSITIVE ones?
The womem over at 'Autostraddle' love Adam. They are no diffeent than all womaen in regards to loving all things Adam. The sites that seem to be so negative towards Adam are unfortunetly the gay sites. I don't know why, but most men, straight, or gay seem to be very jealous of Adam. But after seeing Adam's performance in Sidney last night in that spandex, and cod piece, I can understand why. One more thing. This isn't important, but I wonder why this site doesn't let you post your screen name. Part of the fun for me following Adam is having heated discussions with people who have familar screen names. Anonymous seems so disconnected. I know we don't know each other no matter what name we use, but still it seems more fun. My screen name is usually Wicked Glitter.
Autostraddle will probably be following Adam a lot more now that Camilla Grey has joined up on keyboards. Adam's band just got 20% gayer! (sorry if the math is off - not my specialty)
BTW - AfterElton and Towleroad are gay sites that are fairly pro-Adam. At least the writers are. Anybody can post comments on any site, so you can't really go by that.
good point about the "anonymous". Every time I have tried to register my other logins, my comment is not accepted so I just started using Anon... I don't think people should be able to hide behind Anon.... I see why some sign their names at the bottom. So will I. thanx.
Oops! after seeing all of the typos, I kinda wish I would have signed Anonymous ~Wicked Glitter~
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