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Adam Lambert cheers to a productive day in Munich!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 29, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 29, 2010

Adam posted this picture of himself on Twitter drinking to a productive day after performing "Sleepwalker" and finishing three interviews.

"German Hefeweizen!! End of a long, productive day! Danke!"

-Adam Lambert on Twitter


Anonymous said...

i can't see this picture of ADam!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"i can't see this picture of ADam!!!!!"

what do you mean? I can see it. What browser are you using?

Anonymous said...

Good luck in Germany Adam!

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't noticed, Blogger image servers having problems. Images either loading slow or not loading at all. This is happening to every blog I'm visiting....including my own.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the definition of adorable. He is going to be HUGE here in Germany, I have no doubt about it. Thank you America for Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

I am glad he is having good time in Germany. Tonight I will dring my 4 cups of wine ( it's Passover). And I will think of Adam . I am really suppose to thing of the story of Egypt. But this year I will make an exception. This year is adam's year.
Lol to all the Jeweish fans!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness i can now see Adam with his Beer
Cheers Adam,take it easy,you have so worked hard on this amazing international tour,have fun in Germany,and thanks for EVERYTHING xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

this year really an adam lambert year- this eyar is his comaptible eyar.. i already predict this.. all his life hell be knowna nd fmaous all over the world. he is our michael jackson now.
and elvis presley.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Adam drank that whole glass of beer.Happy Passover to 12:08 from a Chicago "shiksa!" Think you will be forgiven for thinking of Adam,since he has a biblical name and is a beautiful gift from the universe.Think I will have a glass of wine and think about him too! Lucky German friends,enjoy "his hotness!"

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks just like his brother here (from the couple of photos i've seen of him). Happy Passover to you Glamberts, i am lol-ing at you thinking of Adam instead of the story of Egypt. Is that allowed?! x

Anonymous said...

Bottoms up, BB!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:07 - I hope you're right and that Adam is Huge in Germany.

Please vote for Adam in MTV's March Madness contest:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bottoms up indeed Adam.......enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! heeeheeeheeehee