He's not 'calmer' than usual. I think he is just EXHAUSTED. Poor bb. He's GOT TO get some rest or he's just going to burn out. His management needs to see that he needs rest! Yes, promoting his album is important, but not at the expense of his health and well-being. Take care of yourself, Adam. xo
This video makes me very concerned about our boy. I hope he's okay - very possible that he's just exhausted. I really love and care about him so much! Everything he does makes me happy -I'm his "forever fruit fly"!
The first video makes me so sad. When he says, "So much for that shopping trip" and is thumping his sharpie on the table, my heart nearly broke. I haven't given enough thought to how this promotional tour is exhausting Adam. I hope he gets caught up on his rest and takes care of himself. I wish I hadn't watched that first video.
I just think the quality of the video wasn't very good. He seems fine. But, yes, we worry, don't we. Is he OK? Is he eating right? Just wanted to say that the "Broken Open" video from Indio is so extraordinary. His voice soars and the accompaniment sings along beautifully. It just goes to show less is more -- the simplicity of this version of the song let's its soul fly loose. I'm glad Adam thought to do it this way.
This was recorded at 2:55 a.m. Is that Japanese time? If so, no wonder he's tired. He kinda sounds like he's ready to drop in his tracks and just fall asleep on the table. He also looks sad. Maybe he doesn't want to leave Japan.
I found the first clip depressing too, in a weird way. There he is, just sitting there all alone. His shoulders slumped, head down, listless, tapping his pen on the table. Maybe he was just super tired and waiting for the person filming to say "we're on, now" so he could dazzle us. Yes - he seems very, very low key. I'm sure he's exhausted - poor guy! Love you, Adam - take care of yourself!
what is wrong with him?
Maybe really tired??
There's nothing wrong, he's just calmer than usual.
He was slurring his words, something was wrong......
He's not 'calmer' than usual. I think he is just EXHAUSTED. Poor bb. He's GOT TO get some rest or he's just going to burn out. His management needs to see that he needs rest! Yes, promoting his album is important, but not at the expense of his health and well-being. Take care of yourself, Adam. xo
There's nothing wrong with him.
This video makes me very concerned about our boy. I hope he's okay - very possible that he's just exhausted. I really love and care about him so much! Everything he does makes me happy -I'm his "forever fruit fly"!
yes, i agree, he was not animated at all.
sounds like he has a slight cold or his nose is stopped up. could just be the quality of the video
Maybe he is sad about leaving
I think the sound is bad, but he seems tired, too.
The first video makes me so sad. When he says, "So much for that shopping trip" and is thumping his sharpie on the table, my heart nearly broke. I haven't given enough thought to how this promotional tour is exhausting Adam. I hope he gets caught up on his rest and takes care of himself. I wish I hadn't watched that first video.
I just think the quality of the video wasn't very good. He seems fine. But, yes, we worry, don't we. Is he OK? Is he eating right? Just wanted to say that the "Broken Open" video from Indio is so extraordinary. His voice soars and the accompaniment sings along beautifully. It just goes to show less is more -- the simplicity of this version of the song let's its soul fly loose. I'm glad Adam thought to do it this way.
This was recorded at 2:55 a.m. Is that Japanese time? If so, no wonder he's tired. He kinda sounds like he's ready to drop in his tracks and just fall asleep on the table. He also looks sad. Maybe he doesn't want to leave Japan.
I found the first clip depressing too, in a weird way. There he is, just sitting there all alone. His shoulders slumped, head down, listless, tapping his pen on the table. Maybe he was just super tired and waiting for the person filming to say "we're on, now" so he could dazzle us. Yes - he seems very, very low key. I'm sure he's exhausted - poor guy! Love you, Adam - take care of yourself!
I've never heard him say "um" so much. He's probably so tired, he's having a hard time being coherent!
Probably jet lag it 's very draining
He's been extremely busy and it's not over yet. he is going to need a vacation!
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