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Adam Lambert Interview with SWR3!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This is an interview with a German radio station!


Anonymous said...

It's AMAZING how Incrediblly talanted Adam is. He is SOOO natural. Love the acapela. Love what he did with Sleep walker here. He is so fun to be around.
Love him !!!!
PLZ vote on VH1 top 20 and on MTV

Catharine Sloper said...

Knowing how the Germans operate since my Dad is one, it seems typical that this radio station got the very best take on Adam;s voice they could possibly get by having him sing acoustically live right at the station. They wanted to get the essence of Adam's art and did. Very German! Sehr Gut! Ausgezeichnet!

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gets the full band back.This accoustic stuff is missing something.The dancers are not the answer in MO.They are not what I would expect to see with Adam.Just MO.
As always Adam sounds great.

Anonymous said...

Him singing a song from Grease, even though it was just for a second, just made my day.
I love this guy. Seriously, how can you not? Screw the haters. It's their loss and our gain. Keep doing your thing, Adam. Never change.

Anonymous said...

NO OTHER AI WINNER or RUNNER UP could perform a capella like ADAM did at this interview ... NO ONE ... WHAT a STAR!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish our radio stations were as gracious as these international DJ's have been to Adam. Loved the German girls they were adorable. This DJ is a visionary to have Adam perform live for their listeners. Wow!

WHERE the heck are our US radio counterparts? I guess they are all too busy sucking up to Taylor Swift!

Anonymous said...

BEST interviewers so far -hands down Jesse Cruickshank in Canada and Michelle Collins vh1 and Jim Cantiello mtv interviews. Some others in Australia have been fun and Japan and Scotland,but these are the best ones for me. I look forward to hearing him on all of them,and I am glad he finally said something on twitter about the constant SAME questions.

Anonymous said...

in reply to anonymous 8:05 PM, I DO miss Tommy but I think the accoustic versions of the songs are fantastic and have a really mysterious atmosphere. i also think they show Adam's voice better. I even think he should put out an album with the unplugged versions. it would be great to sing along too- the above take on Sleepwalker was pure genius!
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That was HAWTTTT!!!! Just freaking amazing. Love you, Adam Lambert!!!!